Friday, July 23, 2010

too many Indians, not enough Chiefs

Wow, I never really took notice to how many 'Indians' make careers out of being internally oppressed. Its damn near half of these fakes and traitors amongst us, these comfy lil Indians love to try and look down their noses at us 'Savages' that systematic institutionalized racism has kept disenfranchised. Systematic institutionalized racism they have been indoctrinated and assimilated into re-enforcing within the community they belong to, or a community they have been implicated to infiltrate to ensure oppressive conduct to not only corrupt interests to open up vulnerability to exploit, but to manipulate the uneducated masses into deceiving confidence from their supposed constituents and those they supposedly represent. They think their so hip and sophisticated when it comes to practicing their heritage and conducting themselves as 'contemporary American Indians' yet they love waving their lil pieces of papers of 'credentials 'at us less fortunate shinobs. As if that alone gives them right to feel pretentious, pompous, and arrogant, as if their opinion in any matter that catches their attention is of more importance then those of us more commonly downtrodden citizens that are directly effected by their shiftless jobery. These corrupted figureheads buy and sell their people at will, wheeling and dealing, hustling our communities into poverty and oppression, investing their efforts into justifying stereotypes that hold our communities hostage. The price of ransom is our integrity, all you other indians might be satisfied in entrusting the welfare and future in the hands of those that are obviously taking advantage of our communities discontentment, but I'm not going to sit here and take this disrespect from these Charlatans. We should all be obligated to confront these treasonists of the ojibwe nation, hell it is our responsibility to our children to stand against those that selfishly victimize our community, we are a tribe, if you consider yourself a tribal person then this 'every man for himself' concept is a contradiction of our very essence as anishinaaabe people. We are all responsible for our shared community, and this is ojibwe country, as the saying goes 'when in Rome.' These chimooks need to start applying that saying to the reality of their demographic, at least that is if they have has much respect for us as some of them claim they do. If I can stand up, you can stand up, I'm already a condemned criminal in the eyes of my community, but there has to be someone amongst us that is qualified to lead our people into prosperity. Their has to be someone amongst us that can mend the damage racism has inflicted upon our community, but I'll tell you one thing I know for sure, its not any of those token 'Indians' playing 'Indian' for those obliviously ignorant, insensitive, inherently racist white people that take advantage of these weak hearted 'Indians.'

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