Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Noble Savage

Uppity Indians? Where do some of these internally oppressed assimilated individuals find the logic or nerve in denouncing what those of us that have the ability to effectively identify as root problems of our discontentment? We don't need others that haven't the ability to confront nor the courage to validate and support the obvious cause to the problems that those amongst us have brought attention to effectively. I personally cannot find comfort in structural racism, why is my racial identity encouraged to being a burden? Not only by those that enforce these racist practices that disenfranchise my people, but is also encouraged by those that have become assimilated into the systematic institutionalized racism present here in Northern Minnesota as well. Yeah these are Indians that have been allowed to sit at the 'white' table and have been presented the opportunity of partaking in some of the white mans treats, such as white privilege, but only if that Indian does what he/she is told. Then he/she will earn the right of those white peoples condescending respect, they are then encouraged to look down their nose at those of us that rather not ignore and belittle the condition of our humanity, which has become very unsatisfactory due to those token Indians that have been allowed to ineptly speak on the behalf of our community at large. What is a politically correct way of identifying these Indians? Sit around the forts? Uncle tomahawks, and apples have been condemned as derogatory by the efforts of these false representatives of their constituents, would they be Artificial American Indians, or Counterfeit American Indians? Or would those be two separate definitions in themselves? Either way it describes a lot of Indians partaking in gorging themselves on the table scraps of the white man, I know all white men are not afflicted with a ignorant heart, but why then are these 'good hearted' white men allowing these deplorable conditions society has forced upon my people to continue to without ever saying 'hey this isn't right.' Because they fear they will be cast from the table of privilege and be forced to become beggars. Well, he should be worried if that is what is at stake, because I refuse to be a beggar, but I refuse to eat at a table where there is individuals that refuse to let me have my own plate, fork, or spoon either. I'm not going to play 'the noble savage' for these ignorant people, but I'm not going to pretend I'm happy with those that openly chose cowardice over solidarity for those that endure at the hands of those wreaking oppression upon the heads of those resilient people known as the Anishinaabe.

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