Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ignorant bullshit

Most people don't like being confronted on their ignorance, they tend to ignorantly defend their bias views in a lazy guilty attempt to hold on to, or sacrifice very little of the comfort shiftlessness provides them as those that struggle for change have to push past their faithless, envious, lazy bullshit as well. I'm sick of these 'who cares' attitudes, what hell do you care about then if it ain't of anything of importance, and who are you to judge what is of importance when there are those that have the courage to effectively question the powers that be? Obviously YOUR agenda is more important then the possibility of bringing hope and prosperity back to your community, our community is overwhelmed with these lazy individuals wandering around acting as if their opinion or their issues are too important to give any concern to what others have brought to the table to fix. I see a lot the shinobs acting as if their involved, when their only being selfish in their pursuit to finding recognition amongst their community. These self centered ojib's are pitiful, and frustrating to tolerate, you just want to confront these fake individuals to their faces and say "listen here you narcissistic hypocrite, Knock it off, go get some integrity already why don't you?" Bending the rules to their advantage and using them to justify their ignorance all at the same time, are these people really that stupid where they can't even identify their own ignorance? Or are they just too much of a coward to take accountability for their fake, lazy actions and opinion? Regardless of these people nuturing their ignorance on fear, they tend to push their insecurities and internalized oppression upon the vulnerability of their children, forcing their children to become stereotypes and statistics to justify the racism that is systematically institutionalized within our communities. These people have forsaken their ancestors as well as their children by surrendering to assimilation. Yes, technology is very important to modern day society, and most of us rely upon it, but a lot of shinobs are sacrificing their integrity for the convenience of subscribing to popular ideas or views that disconnect them from the reality of the situations that consume our community. These people then in turn formulate an inept opinion of matters on the basis of their lackluster confidence in 'credible sources' that main stream media tends to desensitize their ideals and morals with. When are a people that survived on listening to their hearts and honoring the sacrifice their ancestors made to provide them with the chance of not only honoring our children by providing them with future, but to honor our community as well by realistically confronting the issues? To re-connect themselves to the tribal interests of our nation, so our ancestors will once again rejoice in our bonds of humanity of all living things. We have all fell out of touch with not only one other, but with just about everything that gave our ancestors the strength to survive even worse odds then we face today. Our way of life is on the brink of extinction, one day what is left of us will just be 'Indians' and the essence of being Anishinaabe will be lost forever to no fault of our own. Yeah, you might be able to speak the language, but can you live by the teachings?

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