Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cofrontational Savage

Sometimes we must give into conflict, from conflict many things arise. Challenging your fellow man to adhere to their actual worth is a very honorable thing to do. To find the courage to withstand their ignorance and lack of virtue can help these individuals grow from their shortcomings that might be preventing them from being a productive or effective member of society let alone an appreciated acquaintance or friend. If we continue to be passive as these people abuse our compassion and intuitiveness, allowing them to undermine us and take us for granted we allow animosities and resentfulness to formulate. Then we become responsible for nurturing a corrupt, unhealthy relationship based on these downfalls we knowingly set ourselves up for, and if they can not appreciate those of us with the courage in confronting them for their flaw of character. Then that is when you must leave them to their own responsibility to find enlightenment on their own accord. This deference allows them to feel more responsibility to take the initiative in utilizing their opportunity to change, if you force change upon a person, they feel violated, and regress even further into their lack of virtue. Conveying solidarity for this person and their inner turmoil by granting them your respects in venturing on without your assistance is sometimes the only choice we might have the option of exercising. Yet we must be very cautionary if this individual expresses intention in resolving the matters that might have caused the both of you to part ways in the first place, if this person has failed to make progress with their inner turmoil. Then we mustn't allow or condone any behavior or actions persisting from the past conflict that was responsible for allowing you two to agree on parting ways. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to find the courage to take accountability for ones irresponsible unsavory behavior of attitude or lack or maturity and virtue towards their failure of becoming a better person, they must find the courage to set themselves apart from those that encourage and influence their flaw of character as well. We mustn't take company with those we effectively identify as individuals that nurture negative perspectives or ideals that threaten or conscious insight on matters we concern ourselves with as being important to not only us, but also the people and issues we care for. We must let go of selfishness and embrace selflessness, if we only cater to our own agenda, then that will only result in the misery of loneliness. One can justify their anti-social behaviors by self diagnosing themselves to identify with a mental disorder to justify their lack of courage in confronting their shortcoming efficiently, but then that alone allows them to ignore their opportunity to find resolve with this inner turmoil. I speak of this matter because a majority of my community and my people tend to self medicate and selfishly pursue status or recognition for accomplishments they do not genuinely deserve, because they have sacrifices nothing, they have given nothing back, they do not endure conflict, they run from it, and yes, I am a very confrontational person, because sometimes these fake people need to hear this, they take kindness for weakness, so then that is when I have to get argumentative with these people that continually disappoint not only me, but the welfare of our community as well, and we must take the time out of our lives to disagree with these people taking us for granted, not because we hate them or dislike them. Its because we care for them, and we want to see them rise from the obstacles allowing them to find comfort in the pile of bullshit they hide in.

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