Friday, August 13, 2010

Liberating our hearts to honor our minds, together.

Wishy washy Shinobs, being swindled by the same ol' flim flam, pretty pathetic. Some shinobs attention spans somehow doesn't allow them the see past the deceit right in front of their faces, I can't believe some of these people that think that they deserve to lead others when their just getting lead around by the nose themselves, most times by their own greed or selfishness. So they allow themselves to be manipulated and endorse a popular idea that they see others gaining from through self gratification, as if anything they have to say on matters is any idea of their own. Regurgitating and plagiarizing what they can get their smug pretentious hands on to protect their self centered confirmation bias by following the methods of proven practitioners of these ideas they subscribe to, Personally I'm not impressed by these people that don't have the genuine ability or maybe the courage to have an original idea of their own, and neither should anyone else, this is not honorable, this is not leadership. Our ancestors used to think with their hearts, not with their heads, or greed, or selfishness. That is what kept us connected to the sensitivity of our fellow anishinaabeg, listening to our hearts. So we could come together with our fellow anishinaabeg to put our minds together to work to find solutions for our people. Today most of these arrogant masculine emasculated Indians with their white man credentials of indoctrination, go about our communities trying to push their 'educated' options on everyone. Running for office most times, as if their ideas are the only valid ideas that deserve anyone's attention. After a long year of going out to talk with our people campaigning against systematic institutionalized racism, internalized oppression, and those basing their diplomacy from these social down falls victimizing our people, I'd say its about 50% on both sides of our people that disregard essentials to who we were as anishinaabeg, as to those that honor our ancestors on how they conduct themselves. Half are material, half are spiritual, and some are even cunning enough to pretend to be spiritual to obtain material. Wealth to me, is wisdom and knowledge; wisdom to know when I'm right and when I'm wrong, the knowledge to help my people prosper, and survive, to reclaim our dignity, our integrity that we have today for the foremost lost do to the desensitization of mainstream ideals and media. Yes, our ancestors we're punished for what we are, but today some of us still punish ourselves trying to be something we're not. Our ancestors were aggressively progressive, all the while maintaining our identity, but I guess the question we should all be asking ourselves is if we live in an era of determination, or oppression? Because those have both belonged to our people, will you stand by and watch our ways be swept away in the mainstream? Or will you find the courage to go out there and hold on to them with all of your strength? Will you compromise and starve your integrity to almost nothing just to fit into the cage built for our ancestors? Or will you grow big and strong enough to break free from these old rusty obsolete cages? These ways of thinking are outdated my friend, and sometimes we must look back to look forward, but we can not hold on to the things that allowed us to be forced into these cages in the first place.

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