Saturday, August 21, 2010

False representation Implemented by threatened racists

As we relentlessly attempt to appeal to our fellow American Indians and whoever else is willing to adhere to the blatant disenfranchisement victimizing our people. The corruption of the political parties misrepresenting and misappropriating our concerns by the abuse of power is also disturbing. These individuals within these parties have divisively implemented opportunists to discredit our attempts to bring forth justice for our people, attempting to make a sham of our struggle. Fortunately I have faith the roots of our unity within our community will not be divided by the treachery of those in power or those they exploit to veil their racist agendas. There is an unfair balance of power amongst the natives and whites; we shouldn’t tolerate any racist remarks or ideals devaluing our work ethics and our workers. Why are we being belittled and undermined for advocating of better living conditions for our people? Our economic plight exposes us and makes us vulnerable to criminal elements; crime can only be reduced by economic/educational opportunities and advancement. To empower programs that effectively train the emasculated masses that are constantly exposed to racism, there is a very unhealthy dangerous atmosphere within this community if you happen to be American Indian. As American Indians, we need to take control of our own economic and political future. We need real leadership from our people, not “token representation” which only opens up doors for justification of stereotypical ignorance that re-enforces systematic institutionalized racism. This isn’t about Nicole Beaulieu or Gregory Paquin, it’s about us having our turn to prosper. Warriors for Justice means pro-justice, pro-Indian, pro-us; it doesn’t mean we’re anti-anything. It is very unacceptable that there isn’t one American Indian sitting in any Legislative seat. If you can inherit wealth and opportunity off the exploitation of stolen lands and resources, or the mistreatment of our people, then you should also inherit the accountability of the injustices we endured and are still enduring to this day. We are not begging for the white man to fix what has been broken and forgotten, we are demanding the opportunity and resources to fix it ourselves, we’re being constantly denied even that. It is very disappointing when those we stand up for refuse to validate our struggle, in the ever so true words of Harriet Tubman, “I freed a thousand slaves, I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”

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