Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Jim Oberstar Puppet show, Starring John Persell, Mary Olson, and the many faces of big business

I take it from whats being said in the media that the democrats of Northern Minnesota are going to be boning up John Persell on issues such as the state deficit to sway voters this upcoming November 2nd General Election. Mary Olson already has a knack for lip service. Its just kind of disappointing when our community can find solace in these individual's incompetence and inept ability to represent all the people of their districts. I'm always hearing of Persell's great accomplishments he provided our community such as in educational needs and natural resources, but from the cancerous power line, to the greedy pipeline, to the mining of the big bog, to the poor water quality of the Leech Lake Reservation, protection of our natural resources should not be accredited to this man. Any respectable environmentalist would be ashamed of this track record if they had to stand upon it, so now that he can't hide the fact he's failing as an environmentalist, hes attempting to distract the public by selling us on the empty promises hes going to save the state by balancing the budget from little ol' racist District 4. Does this man really think all of us are that stupid? Or is it Oberstar we should accredit for these foolish ideas, Mr. Persell is nothing but a puppet to ol' granddaddy Oberstar. Oberstar will exploit anything he can get his greedy old hands on, and turn around and act as if his greedy decision making is beneficial to you. Why should he care? He probably won't survive his next term, he has no interest in investing in the future of Minnesota. Oberstar is a man of a thousand faces, he'll tell you what you want to hear, then he'll turn around and tell the man with the most money the exact opposite, now he's prepping Mr. Persell and Ms. Olson to carry on his greedy campaign of the exploitation of any and everything that the district has to offer in the interests of big business. Do these people realize that us younger people see them selling our futures away right in front of us? All these insensitive out of touch ol' folk exposing us to their greedy agendas don't seem to really care about their grandchildren, sure they can claim they do, but when they go out and vote to put people like this into office. It's pretty obvious where these stubborn old people's interests lay, its incompetence they can hang their hats by. It's incompetence such as that that allows them to bring home the bacon. They might justify their blatant ignorance by saying, well so and so has the common sense and experience to keep things running smoothly, smoothly where though? Into the ground where its going along with them? Every time campaign season comes around these politicians act as if their just taking notice to the social and economic problems that they are directly responsible for neglecting in the first place. They tout around about as if they actually care and are going to solve these problems finally, as if they weren't aware of these issues when they first got elected as puppets. At the state convention I didn't see not a one of these politicians stand up and support Mark Dayton, now that Dayton has defeated these corrupt democratic politicians at their own game, now their starting to get in line to kiss his behind. Yet their are still some questionable democrats that appear as they would benefit more by supporting the republican party by standing firm on their stubborn notions that the good ol' common sense thats been driving Minnesota into the ground is the way to go. In my opinion, we young people should be very disappointed and upset by the shiftless out of touch decision making these old folks are exposing us to. It is us that is going to have to pay for their mistakes and poor decision making in the long run, we can't rely in the incompetence of these greedy old people trying to take all their riches to the grave with them. It's proven that most don't really care for our future, just look at whos in office in most instances, we look to our elders for guidance most times when it comes to things that are of great importance to us, but our elders are becoming more and more useless everyday, because most times they do not share our concerns, and thats sad. It's sad when we can't rely in their supposed wisdom when their too stubborn to adhere to their wisdom and knowledge themselves, a lot of older people pride themselves for being logical, and believe they should be praised for their apparent ability to make logical decisions, but one can justify many evils by ones perspective of logic, these unreasonably stubborn ignorant old fuddy duddies with their out of touch obsolete scared of change ideals should have the common decency to council the young people of what we see as importance to our futures, it is our future that they constantly endanger with their insensitive decision making, instead of prepping us to look at things from their out of touch point of view, they should utilize our optimism to innovate our declining relationships with government, constantly shunning us and ridiculing us that we are too inexperienced to manage important matter of our government is not only discouraging to find civil discourse, but it has created a feeling of animosities between the age groups, we should lower the voting age to 16, or would that be like me suggesting we set age restrictions such as ones that take away a seniors who we deem as 'senile' drivers license so they don't hop in their car and go out and carelessly jeopardize the safety of our communities with their deteriorated ability of judgment and coordination, we could justify a age restriction on voting rights as well by the same argument in some cases, and their are examples fatal decision making by our senior citizens to justify a law put in front of congress such as this, maybe I'm being a bit rash, but I'm sick of sitting by watching these politicians that are experienced in failing us continue to have control of the wheel, running us into the ditch or breaking us down because they don't know how to effectively maintenance our government or getting us lost most times. I'm not suggesting that all senior politicians abandon our government to the next generation, but its pretty obvious there is a dire need for new ideas that some of those that have been in power haven't the ability to conceive, a fresh perspective might just be the answer to a lot of our problems. Vote Nicole Beaulieu, Write-in Warriors for Justice candidate November 2nd, contemporary innovation, not the same old stagnant, corrupt, out of touch jobbery we're tired of.

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