Friday, August 20, 2010

Dumbing down

What's going on with all these fools exhausting themselves running in place? Can't these people see themselves for the fools they actually are? Or are they just that delusional? Yeah, they might have at one time or another been accused of being a bright individual, but I see a lot of people dimming and burning out as they waste their energy trying to impress others by trying to gain invaluable approval. What good is anyone's approval worth when they ain't as impressive as they'd like to appear to be? Some people don't deserve the respect they try to demand from others, what are they going to do with your brilliance? Plagiarize your ideas? To use you to feel some false sense of worth? I don't have anything to prove to anybody, especially if these pretentious out of touch individuals like to try and look down their noses at anyone. When people do that its pretty obvious they don't deserve the recognition they might have been receiving in order for them to regard themselves as some sort of authority on matters they attempt to obnoxiously pass their judgment upon. If your disappointed or impressed with anything I have to say then that belongs to you. If it gives you insight or motivation or solidarity or if it offends you and threatens your ignorant ideals then deal with that one your own, don't push your opinion of me or others that might appreciate or might not favor what I have to say. You just make yourself look like a asshole then, or maybe by expressing your distaste for me opens the doors for an unhealthy relationship nurtured upon the negativity you might share for me, and that in itself is pretty pathetic in anyone's with a respectable educated or open minded opinion. Also in the same regards its hard to appreciate someones arrogant pretentious perspective of issues they try and act as if they should be revered as some sort of inhumanly intelligent being. When these people share their supposed option, its pretty easy for anyone who has an acute educated insight to get a good idea to where exactly these people are referencing their information, trying to pass if off as their own opinion. Doesn't really matter what your opinion of me is, I'm not really impressed by most of you people anyways, most people I'm inspired by are no longer with us. Those of you that respect me as your equal, I thank you, and appreciate your acknowledgment of my voice, because I speak to find justice for my people. To inspire those I pity, to provoke those contributing to our discontentment, to realize we are not pleased. To help me to understand others that frustrate me so I can help or push them to be the person all of us needs them to be for our community. I would like to shake the hand and find understand with everyone who considers me their foe, I feel compelled to say the things I say because this is how the actions and the lack of enthusiasm of my fellow man make me feel. So I apologize first, and offend second if it is you that is the one I can identify as the culprit of my people's discontentment. If you refuse to take accountability for your treachery, then it is you that takes offense to my retort of your evil corrupt or shiftless lazy ideals threatening very fabric of our humanity. It is you that we can hold accountable for the constant disparities ravaging our households, for re-enforcing the stereotypes condemning our people to justify systematic institutionalized racism, Your insensitive ignorant arrogant selfish deluded pride that prevents you from seeing the harm you have cause amongst your family, amongst our community. I say these things to wake you all up before its too late, before you destroy everything I love, because if I stand by and just watch you keep putting our people at risk, then I'm just as guilty as you if I refuse to find the courage to try and at least stop you. Another thing is people ignorantly assume too much, can't they find the common decency to at least establish a rapport with me, or are they too intimidated that I might scrutinize their obvious ignorance. I'm well aware of most peoples stupidity as it is, what? You can't take a little constructive criticism? Is it going to harm you to hear the truth? Is it going to kill you to take accountability for your obvious corrupted ideals? Or do you understand my frustration with these people we allow to walk all over us and our community, well that's some coward ass b.s. but okay, your comfortable being oppressed, you like to believe you know equality because your fortunate enough to see past oppression most days, and you loose sight of the reality of the living conditions most our people can't get past. So you act as if you have the right to feel better then the oppression keeping your fellow man down, when it comes down to it, there isn't too much separating you from the struggle we endure everyday. Although you choose not to acknowledge it, the struggle is still there, even if you lost interest in the plight of your people to find equality,doesn't mean much to us that see you for the anishinaabe you ain't.

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