Monday, August 16, 2010

Obnoxious Narsissism of Pretentious Charlatans and Elitists

I see a lot of Ojibs, self-proclaimed Ojibs, and non-Ojibs selfishly romanticizing our culture into a corny or corrupt insignificance which distracts others from the reality of our problems within our community. They try to transcend the culture of our community by exploiting their knowledge of our culture to serve their own self-centered agenda. I'm not deeming all of these romantic individuals invaluable or corrupt, but when some of them utilize or exploit our culture and teachings to obtain a self centered sense of gratification, it gets rather frustrating trying to educate and raise awareness amongst my people that are mesmerized by these individual's ability to influence and manipulate opinions of what is of actual importance or to what is critical or essential to our well being as a Ojibwe people and our communities. Dealing with the rigors of mainstream society is very difficult and complicated as it is while trying to maintain our identity. Yet I have noticed these individuals manipulating people by abusing their gifts of knowledge of our teachings and culture to sway ideals to carter to their own false sense of worth. These gifts are useless without the respect, honor and wisdom to use them properly. I can't help but to notice some status spiritual advisers taking advantage of vulnerable individuals and their underdeveloped spiritual beliefs or their fledgling relationship with their personal spirituality. I have endured attacks upon my own personal spirituality by some of these charlatans, so I have first hand accounts with my own experience with these misguided people that claim they can guide others. I personally am very offend by these individuals that try to intimidate or manipulate others into believing in their delusions of grander, their narcissism is very obnoxious. People shouldn't be so quick to rely in the supposed 'powers' of others when some are just creating a false bravado in order to take advantage of others vulnerability. I respect others for their ability to adhere to their humility, to those that pity me for being a mere human being, and to those that allow me to pity them as well for the same obvious reasons. Its very offensive when others try to interject their pretentious opinion of ones own personal relationship with their spirituality. Our own personal spirituality belongs to each of us individually, but to those that try to own our teachings and distribute them with discrimination or ignorance amongst our community, those teachings don't belong to you. They belong to all of us willing to utilize them appropriately with the respect they deserve, and for you to abuse them to fulfill your own lack of self esteem or sense of worth, that is very pathetic. If you can not take accountability for your own treachery and selfishness, I have faith you will find enlightenment through tribulation that you have evoked upon yourself by dishonoring our ancestors. But then again, maybe your not corrupt, maybe your just naive. Either way, you got a lot of growing up to do, so don't be trying to offer your assistance when you should be focusing on your own shortcomings preventing you from being the person that you think you are.

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