Thursday, August 19, 2010

Strike a Nerve

I can't help but to notice by some of the comments I receive that the content of my blog is taken to offense by some. There are some people that more then likely identify with some of the negative aspects of our community that I have pointed out and share my opinion on, some don't appreciate being confronted or challenged of their ignorance or cowardice, These are just my opinions I share on the fact finding I constantly research in hopes to try and find a rapport and civil discourse to help people consider innovated solutions to the constant failure to resolve problems of our shared community. I leave my door open for suggestion, but I slam it shut on ignorant criticism or any thing that lacks courage. We can't afford to be frail or faltering when it comes to such tremendous problems we have stood up to, but people think I'm campaigning for support most times. I'm not, we're not politicians, we're not going to lie to you and tell you what you want to hear if your not willing to consider our conscious plea for all of you to wake up. To take an effective look at not only your faults but the faults of our fellow man, its time to hold each other accountable for the the failures our children are going to be forced to endure. I'm not going to give you any lip service, I don't want any ones support who isn't willing to be realistic about the problems of our community, what good is any ones support who isn't genuinely concerned of the issues we have effectively identified and have the courage to confront? This isn't about the support from the weak and unwilling, from the cowards and the traitors, of the self-centered opportunist and the greedy exploiters of our community. Nor from the racists or the internally oppressed, so if you can identify with any of these offensive words, then I don't believe anyone would benefit from your support at all if very little. At least not in any positive or productive way, you need to go re-evaluate your worth to your community if the things I have said have struck a nerve. I say these things to provoke people to be offended by their obvious shortcomings that we have identified that endanger our communities and our families. We have let these state, local and tribal politicians divide and conquer our communities for too long, so go ahead and hate for what I have the courage to say to those of you that act as if I haven't the ability to effectively identify you for who you actually are and who you are not. I can endure your misplaced hatred, your animosity, your ignorance, you act as if I haven't been all along, so go ahead and live as a coward, raise your children to be cowards and slaves of fear and oppression. I'm not going to sit besides you and advert my attention from the discontent of my fellow man that doesn't have the ability to stand, I'm going to give my children the means to have to chance to stand, I'm going to teach them to stand up for themselves when nobody else will, and if they encourage others to stand along side them and confront tyranny and oppression against them and their fellow man, then that alone will give me the fulfillment of pride I have longed for my entire life, because today its hard to take pride in the condition of my people and our community. I am proud of my ancestors but I can't find enough reason to find pride in who we are today as Anishinaabeg, yeah their are some that can ignore these disparities I speak of by by selfishly concentrating on their overrated meaningless lives, yet one day your all going to have to wake up and realize how you failed your community and family, hopefully that moment won't be the last breaths of your life. Hopefully you can go on in peace knowing you did stand up and do your best to provide your decedents a chance to be who our ancestors once were, we have knowingly chosen to not only dishonor them but our children as well by allowing ourselves to be influence not to care. So I say these things to also provoke you to stand up, because this is what we're suppose to be doing, its time we all stop denying ourselves the opportunity of honoring our ancestors, that is our birthright. So they may rejoice in us once again and allow prosperity to flow back into our hearts, into our families and our communities. My ancestors were warriors, so I'm going to honor them by protecting and fighting anyone foolish enough to try and jeopardize the future of our people by arrogantly standing in the way of the justice I am riding into battle upon. I guess I'll See you all in the battle field, hopefully you'll be standing beside me and not in front of me, because I will not show the enemies of our children any pity nor mercy. And this goes for those of you treacherous cowards pretending to by my ally as well. I'm sick and tired of all these self-centered egotistical traitors of our people taking advantage of the vulnerability of our community by trying to capture glory off our discomfort and disparities. These greedy opportunists like to hold meaningless events to distract our people from ever accomplishing anything constructive, they try to rob us of our energy and meaning by duping us to stand upon their wishy washy self serving agenda. Making a sham of any thing of significant importance to our well being as a Anishinaabeg. I also hope and pray these people are allowed the opportunity to sober up from their self-induced egotistical drunk so they can be of some actual use and value to themselves and our people, or is that too much to ask of these selfish individuals as of now, either way, I'm going to keep coming out swinging until I knock all these selfish arrogant delusional asshole on their asses. Just so you don't get confused, I wrote this when I was thinking of all you bitter fake phonies that waste your time and energy hating on me for what I have to say, I take pleasure in striking a nerve with those of you that deserve to feel offended by what I say. Why don't you focus your criticism and energy on matters that deserves all of our attention, I've exhausted my patience with all of you internally oppressed sit around the fort uncle tomahawk scouts. Real recognize real, so to all you genuine guerrillas out in the struggle everyday who support us, we ain't going to let you down, we're going to keep fighting until they kill us or until our oppressors realize we ain't going to take this shit anymore. All you skeptics can save your breath as well, if we listened to your cowardice rhetoric we'd never get anything accomplished for our people, go reason with our oppressors who have time for your kiss ass bullshit.

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