Saturday, August 1, 2009

rotten apples

Lazy minded Indians. I'm a strong minded Anishinaabe, nice to meet you, but not really. Although I'm glad life is great for you, glad everything is bright and shiny in your lives, who could ask for anything more? Not you, that's for sure. Your so cool, and have so much going on for you, your so popular, your life's so busy there's no time to really care about anything except your cool little lives. There's even a lot of you too cool and busy to raise your children right, to teach them manners, respect, the white man provides everything you could ask for, the white man must really love his red brother(yeah right). God it must be great to maintain such a sense of tranquility while your community suffers at the hands of corrupt individuals, you really have it all don't you? You sit around the fort, uncle tomahawks, giving into everything the white man gave us to keep us weak and comfortable. Comfortable leaders are leading us to the slaughter, do i want that?,Do I want to be satisfied with the conditions we are subject to at the hands of the weak minded? No, not for me. So I'm pist. I'm fuckin angry, I'm infuriated to the point of hostility, what the fuck is wrong with you sheep? You ain't natives let alone Anishinaabe, native pride. Is native pride driving a new car? Or watching the biggest tv? That's pretty pathetic, I'm sick of you weak Indians, I see you around all day pretending to be Anishinaabe, pretending to have native pride. Wheres the honor and respect that goes along with having that pride? Where the hell did we leave that? This road to survival has taken us this far, and now we're abandoning the way of life that's been sustaining us. We're replacing our survival with comfort, I'm sorry, but I can't be comfortable while our Anishinaabe lifestyle is being broken down by ignorant weak minded men that would trade their souls for a down payment on some land they want to feel like they own. The only thing you all really own is the shame of our ancestors, you wear it so proudly, you believe it looks good on you, thank you for wearing your life like a t-shirt so we real Anishinaabe can distinguish from the fake ones. That goes for you shitty indian parents to thinking your too busy with your selfish little lives to go as far to neglect your kids,the future leaders of our nation.

mob boss

Archie la rose,the almighty war chief of the leech lake pillagers,he muscled his way into office using his thug tactics,and today he continues to disgrace our nation with his selfish agenda,native mob is his new goon squad(guardians of the ojibwe nation)as corny as it sounds,this sounds like a movie,hell,hes the self proclaimed king of tract 33,tract 33,that's a miserable place to stake your claim,every 4 years we get some new asshole in office throwing around impossible promises to all these misinformed countrymen of mine,where are our leaders,too long have we gone without a strong leader that pulls us together as a nation,too long have we gone without a leader that sacrifices to empower our people,their is no pride in us,only fear of stepping out of line with Archie and his band of hateful men,robbing casinos,intimidating votes out of our people,promoting drug distribution in our community,making our homelands a haven for these misplace native mob,because the drug task forces of Minneapolis have put a monkey wrench in their south side production,now their up here exploiting our people,dam,i even heard he was trying to give a native mob leader a youth coordinator job,how convenient is that,that will really make it more easy for them to recruit and spread their hatefulness threw out our community,i could go on and on on how Archie is breaking down our nation,bending us to his will,archies a dumb ass,he lacks the qualifications and intellect to hold his position,hes the George bush of the ojibwe and the dick chenney of the chippewa all wrapped into one,although Cheney has the intellect of 5 archies,hes just as evil in his agenda,rebuilding nations,he always is referring to that,what the hell is he rebuilding?john gottis mob,he wishes,his native mob army isn't no mafia,just a bunch of grown up F.A.S. gang members that watch to much T.V.,i wish i knew the mothers of these little hateful fuckers they drank with to unleash upon our people,i'd give them a piece of my mind,brainwashed from birth,they are the fatal link in a lot of violence in our community,what do we do with them,its not their fault,just the faults of those stupid careless drunken whores they called mothers,those ain't mothers,their succubus concubines of hate and destruction,and i'm not picking on the people with F.A.S.,I speaking out on their dumb idiot mothers that went out of their way to foul the earth with their reckless carelessness,now we have to pay the price for these lazy bitches,when are we going to be responsibly for ourselves?,on our death beds like cowards,or out on the battlefield like real men.

Prisoners of fear

I recently became aware of the conditions inside our prison system concerning these problems we deal with. From my understanding there is this same conflict within the walls of those prisons, as soon as a young native enters, Native Mob snatches him up and intimidates them into conforming in to their so-called warrior society, and there's also a group of brothers that try and unite all the natives under tradition. But I wonder why if the Native Mob are drastically embarking on the sole purpose of gaining numbers to intimidate, then why are they mainly victimizing their own people through their aggressive organization tactics. Sorry to say its working though, but I guess my main question I have, and I keep researching is, why don't they stand up to them in there? Inside those walls, if someone or a group of men stood against them with the approval of the elders and community that welcomes them home when they return to civilization, then that alone should strengthen a good path,a good path that runs right threw the walls of those prisons,right back into our community, and I understand the sorrow and loneliness of confinement. I grew up inside correctional facilities, and compared to the rest of the facilities, natives were small in number, but we banded together, and that alone made us strong. Yeah there was gang bangers amongst us, but all that mattered is that we were native. I had a very good friend in one facility, his name was Franky Parker, we called him spank. I was locked up with him for 2 years inside, he killed someone, another native, and Franky was Native Mob, but he was my friend. He was my brother, we shared lodge and prayer, we did our time, and we got out. I seen him after Hinkely after they beat me with bats, I was all busted up still, and I was at Cass Lake pow wow confronting Native Mob. Asking them why they did that to me, all they did, was start yelling around about being Native Mob and how their gonna finish the job,and while i was confronting them, Franky emerges from the crowd, he addresses me with concern, and I start at an attempt to talk with him. But our conversation was drowned out by ignorant threats and yelling of the words, 'NATIVE MOB.' The security broke us up, and I went home disgusted with that blatant show of disrespectful power within my community. Not too long after that Frankie was killed,and that made me very sad,i do not wish any ill will apon any native mob,i only pray for en-lightenment,understanding ,and brotherhood,but after that situation at the cass lake pow wow, I went home and hacksawed my casts off and lifted weights till i couldn't move my arms. Thats how pissed I was, but I am still pissed today,Maybe even more then I was back then, because people are scared. Why the hell are we so afraid to stand up for what is right? Why the hell do we cower around our own community walking on egg shells for these evil men? I'm sick of it. Native Mob are but not even 1% of our community, probably not even that, yet they grip our community in fear, i'm not scared of these fuckin cowards, and they killed me before, and i welcome them to try it again, because i'll be damned if i let them destroy everything i love and care for. And I love my people, I love our community, and I carry a heavy sadness now because of the state of despair the Native Mob afflicted us with. So yeah I have my reasons, some personal, but my main objective is to return our community to the people, to our children, for the betterment and preservation of the Anishinaabe people,and i'm not going to give in to that fear thats been preventing us from coming together and surviving,fear is not a option when we face situations as these,your comfort zone has become your prisons,people sit inside of their houses scared of their community,i refuse to be a prisoner in my own community.

Native Mob(Custers revenge)

Well then, if you are reading this, and you are native mob, thank you for your attention,you may already know me,because 8 years ago you killed me at the hinkley pow wow 49,but i was revived and survived,i believe i was kept here to raise awareness and combat your evil influence on our nation, i am writing this so you may become aware of who we are and of a movement many are involved in to bring about the end of your presence in our ojibwe communities,yes we are aware of all of you,aware of all your action and intentions,and every day we grow stronger and even more aware,know this also,we are aware that you consider yourselves a warrior society,and there isn't a warrior amongst you,just uneducated,evil children that manipulate a generation of F.A.S. children to preform your dirty work,you are all corrupt cowards,and you will be responsible for the destruction of our people if we fail to stop you,we are working day and night to give awareness of the harmful lifestyle you all encourage,we will not rest until you are stopped and if we die in the process of progress,then so be it,at least we can say we sacrificed ourselves for the betterment of our nation,you can't sit there trying to convince us all your are not who we all see you for,the spirits gifted us with the medicine to see you all for who you really are,i been fighting you guys in my community since in was very young,i have witnessed your path of upheaval and destructive chaos,i have researched and studied you since the beginning of your existence, I have consulted the same elders that you have approached to gain approval of,but they have only became ashamed and angered with the ignorance you all promote,and we are all working towards a tomorrow where your so-called warrior society isn't oppressing our children and endangering our well being as a nation,you are not a warrior society,you are a street gang,nothing more nothing less,not even a mafia,native mafia,a mafia is a bit more structured and organized,you are all uneducated,misinformed,misdirected,and none of you are working for the betterment of our people,none of you are warriors,your society is gang culture,gangs were created by the white man to keep the black community unorganized,and we as a people that we're on the brink of extinction can not afford to be brought down by the weak minded men that are to selfish to care about our nations survival,so why call your self natives,nothing you do is native,or even in the intention of being native,i believe you guys should be called the general george custer gang,that fits you better then native mob,because all your doing is hurting,killing,oppressing native people,so when you little boys wanna be honest with yourselves,let us know,because we as a people have no more patience for your stupidity,that goes for any one else that empowers the destructive lifestyle of gang culture in our native communities,look at it this way,i bet Geronimo or crazy horse would take one look at one of you so called natives and take your scalp right there for being so careless with the lives they fought so hard to preserve,i don't know about any of you native mob,but i'd re-evaluate myself before we come together and banish all existence of your despicable lifestyle.

Moment of clarity

I constantly self evaluate myself critically, to make sure I'm doing my very best to re-ensure a future for my children and our community. I recently came to the conclusion on where a lot of our problems stem from as a people, as the Anishinaabe. I am not a racist, yet i focus mainly on my ethnic group so that we may become strong enough to help mankind out as a whole one day. To re-ensure our survival altogether, and to focus on areas that'll prevent future conflict. We have suffered a history of inhumanity brought on by the United States of America to our people for centuries. But now America is beginning to acknowledge that and repair the damages done,or so it seems. Once our enemy, they now lobby for laws, policies and aid that will provide us with the opportunity of the sovereignty, survival and revival Past administrations attempted to extinguish, yet i believe we still must work and strive towards equality,and honored treaties, and we must acknowledge the policies currently in place that will prevent us from becoming an independent strong nation. But I do not see that as a reality unless we hold those accountable for the damages they do upon our people today that threatens our survival, and that threat comes from within our own tribe. All the suffering we endure today is brought on by our own people let alone our own families. I see and heard alot of these young men and women rapping, writing, protesting on the conditions our ancestors endured, i believe we must focus our energies on the problems we face today instead of stirring up negative emotions of the pains our ancestors carried, and celebrate our survival. We need leaders. Where are our Tecumsas? Our Pontiacs? Or crazy horses? Our Oceolas? With great struggle, we were blessed with great leaders. When will Tecumsa return? We need a strong brave, honest leader, at least one, it's been awhile since we've had one. We've forgotten how to appreciate the efforts of survival we strive for. So if this pertains to you, if you believe you may be that leader, I pray that you may find the strength to stand up, your people need you.

jealous ones envy

I am not the type of man that you'll see across a parking lot with a picket sign, shouting out about the latest affliction brought down upon our people to deal with. I do not walk or run to support native issues, but i will support you in your plight to open the public's eyes to our problems. I'm a man of action, I'm the type you'll confront in the battlefield, wherever it may be, whatever end of the battlefield you my be standing on, I'm the one hitting the gym everyday training,so i do not let my people down. I am the one walking the streets at night, watching over our community the best i can. I'm not saying I'm better or worse then those who put their energy into civil protest and public display of our survival, but we all have our gifts, those gifts give us responsibilities. And we must focus on those areas, and support each other the best we can, for this is all our fight. Alot of natives i reach out to do not take this as their responsibility,they are afraid or they choose to ignore our struggle because they believe they won't make a difference. We are the difference, we are the struggle, and this is not a new idea to attempt to organize our people in the face of adversity. This goes far beyond one's ego or pride, this involves the survival of our people, that is why i am reaching out to my fellow warriors that are brave enough to stand together and let our enemy know we will no longer sit by and be oppressed. Whoever they my be, because i don't agree with gangs or any other corrupt organizations in general that harms our nation, that disrespects our way of life, that laughs at our survival. The white man use to be the one doing this to us, sometimes he still tries, but i blame white Americans influence and negative empowerment he bestowed upon those who embraced his evils, and learned to oppress their people with. That's what cowards do, they pick on the weak, the vulnerable,it doesn't matter if your friend with native mob,your family might be native mob,but we must let them know we won't let them continue to corrupt our nation any further, i know Native Mob is not the only adversary we face, but it is one that deserves our attention so we may give our full attention to what ever else may be preventing our people to prosper, may it be politics or police brutality, I'll do my best to confront all issues and do what i can. This is my community, i live here, i was born here, that's why i believe i have a say in matters that concern the welfare of my people. I do not have time to explain the demographics of the Northern Minnesota lakes region to every misinformed self-proclaimed activists that thinks they know what issues would be neat for our people to preform for their entertainment. I think they should focus their energy on solutions that actually work for our peoples benefit, they lose site of our true mission by trying to get all the attention and act like we haven't been doing this since we became men with voices. I did not jump to this conclusion that we should be throwing our attention around to preform tasks that won't benefit our nation as a whole, i don't care if you like what i must say, i know what i am talking about when i open my mouth, do you?

Real Ogichidaa

I look at all these so-called, "natives," claiming to be involved. Claiming to be down for our people, claiming to be activists, militants and so forth. Acting like their making a difference; yet i see a lot of them living hypocritical to the message they try stand behind. Few of these men and women walk that path they speak about. Me, I have shared the battlefield with my enemy, i have shed his blood and he has shed mine. I have lost friends and family to the violence i am subject to because of my profession; for i am a warrior. Nothing more, nothing less. I stand my ground for what i believe is right, i protect my community, my people, and my family. No I did not enlist in a branch of the military to receive my combat training,but i honor those who were brave enough to have served, I learned that growing up constantly fighting,honor, i don't have any medals but i got a whole lot of scares I'm proud of. My father was a veteran, my father was a boxing coach, my father was a warrior, my father was a honest man. He knew honor and respect, he showed me how to appreciate these virtues and practice them in every matter. So i say to you, if this matter pertains to you, where do you stand? Or do you just ignore whats going on around you in your community? Are you apart of the problem? Or part of the solution? Or would you rather relinquish your people and abandon our struggle to survive?

immunity of the Ojibwe

I constantly meditate on ways to deal with the on-going gang violence within our community. Where it started, and how it needs to end in order for us as a people to survive this era of uncertainty. so that We may focus on other problems that we face as a people to become a stronger nation. I believe that we can end it's presence within our community altogether and re-enforce our community with our belief system. Embrace those ways and practice them so we may continue to revive our language For instance; what's the use of saving our language if we cannot protect who we are as a people? I believe we as a people must get our priorities in order for us to have a successful survival in the 21st century. I'm not saying temporarily abandon our attempt of re-emerging our language amongst our youth, but that we must not lose sight of what needs our immediate attention. Our people faced extinction many times before, we have always prevailed although it has wounded us as a tribe every time we struggled to survive. We have always looked to the time of healing, and re-strengthening ourselves, but we cannot heal unless we clean our wounds of all harmful,unhealthy entities. In most cases, being exposed to harmful germs makes one's body stronger because it adapts and becomes immune to the germ. The germ has no negative power, it is still there, but is now apart of who we are and is no longer harmful. It now helps the body when confronted with similar or like germs to prevent them from ravaging our bodies. I am using this as a metaphor because i believe my fellow countrymen will realize the harm they to do to our people, turn around, change, help us be healthy and defend us from harm, rather than tear us down. They are the ones who know why they do what they do, I believe it to just be ignorance, greed, and self-centered, reckless, destructive behavior. I just don't understand why would we want to kill ourselves. We, the Anishinaabe people, are so beautiful. We are blessed to be Anishinaabe, yet we struggle amongst ourselves and within our own tribe for survival. It just doesn't make sense, it makes me angry and frustrated, so i just put out my tobacco and pray one day for understanding before it's too late. Before all of our warriors are dead from fighting each other. There won't be any warriors left to defend our women so they can raise our children. We'll be rubbed out and the infected wound will fester, soon becoming cancerous because it is ignored and not treated appropriately. It ravages our nation and destroys us. Cancer ate away at my father until it took him, he knew it was inside of him but he kept on fighting. That's what we must do until me and my group of social scientists discover the cure, hang in there, I'm working on it and I'm opening the floor for discussion. I want to create a forum to bring those interested in the survival of our people together,and to show those who are infected with evil hearts we are aware of them and we have powerful medicines to treat the ailments they have bought upon our people. Not only are we aware, so are the spirits and they do not favor evil-hearted men that oppress their own people. I tell myself that they'll get what they deserve, but the spirits asked me to quit sitting around, waiting for someone else to show these cowards they are not welcome to destroy our homeland.

pillager guerrillas

I, Curtis John Buckanaga, Ozaawaaniikwad, of the Leech Lake Pillager band of Ojibwe, am writing this in regards to my fellow country men. Thirteen years ago, a friend of mine and I embarked on a movement within our community to create a warrior society to bring our young warriors back to the council fires of our people. Taking them back from this gang culture that has consumed and holds my people hostage with their ignorant violence, brought on by their corrupt enterprise of drug abuse. Our community is in peril. I believe time is short before we can no longer prevent the evils of our fellow country men from destroying any hope of restoring and the healing our community. Without our community, our way of life is lost. I refuse to sit by and watch the blatant disrespect of what our ancestors died for, so these men can bring about the destruction of our people. I am mainly speaking out against Native Mob, or anyone that believes they can manipulate and exploit my people and our community. Something must be done, something has to happen. So i am writing this in regards to my fellow country men, to those who want to stand with me and bring about once again, the survival of our people, and to those who will stand against us for their own misguided selfish means. We have to give this community to our children soon. It is not our way to let our children fix the problems we weren't brave enough to prevent, so let us once again stand up against the evils of man and survive. We must purge these corrupt people from our community, they are the cancer that will kill us if we don't cut it out soon,lets not let it spread into our homes and the hearts of our loved ones. We must become aware of this evil, confront it and deal with it, by any means necessary.