Saturday, August 1, 2009

rotten apples

Lazy minded Indians. I'm a strong minded Anishinaabe, nice to meet you, but not really. Although I'm glad life is great for you, glad everything is bright and shiny in your lives, who could ask for anything more? Not you, that's for sure. Your so cool, and have so much going on for you, your so popular, your life's so busy there's no time to really care about anything except your cool little lives. There's even a lot of you too cool and busy to raise your children right, to teach them manners, respect, the white man provides everything you could ask for, the white man must really love his red brother(yeah right). God it must be great to maintain such a sense of tranquility while your community suffers at the hands of corrupt individuals, you really have it all don't you? You sit around the fort, uncle tomahawks, giving into everything the white man gave us to keep us weak and comfortable. Comfortable leaders are leading us to the slaughter, do i want that?,Do I want to be satisfied with the conditions we are subject to at the hands of the weak minded? No, not for me. So I'm pist. I'm fuckin angry, I'm infuriated to the point of hostility, what the fuck is wrong with you sheep? You ain't natives let alone Anishinaabe, native pride. Is native pride driving a new car? Or watching the biggest tv? That's pretty pathetic, I'm sick of you weak Indians, I see you around all day pretending to be Anishinaabe, pretending to have native pride. Wheres the honor and respect that goes along with having that pride? Where the hell did we leave that? This road to survival has taken us this far, and now we're abandoning the way of life that's been sustaining us. We're replacing our survival with comfort, I'm sorry, but I can't be comfortable while our Anishinaabe lifestyle is being broken down by ignorant weak minded men that would trade their souls for a down payment on some land they want to feel like they own. The only thing you all really own is the shame of our ancestors, you wear it so proudly, you believe it looks good on you, thank you for wearing your life like a t-shirt so we real Anishinaabe can distinguish from the fake ones. That goes for you shitty indian parents to thinking your too busy with your selfish little lives to go as far to neglect your kids,the future leaders of our nation.

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