Friday, March 5, 2010

long live the Anishinaabe!

I recently came to a conclusion after consulting a few elders, I was told to let go of these negative feelings I hold onto because of my frustration with this whole native mob and gang problem our community suffers from. I was told to put out my tobacco and ask the spirits to give it back to them. I was told I didn't need any medicine or direct help because the spirits see our pain, and are already here with us protecting us. I was told not to worry, for they will recieve what they deserve, for I already have done my part, yet I still feel like I am not doing everything within my power to dissolve this situation as quickly as possible. But this corrupt way of thinking and their lost cause to break and bend our community to their will still thrives here today, is it just karma they are continuing to accumulate? Or do more have to be harmed by this preventable problem we deal with day in day out? It is hard for me to put down these feelings of hatered, for I do hate them, I hated them with all my heart for many years, with good purpose, because I have been a victim of their hatefulness, and I am not going to indulge, but they too have been a victim of my shared hatred. I wanted nothing more then to cut out the hearts of all of these traitors of our people, and stomp it into the dirt. But now I am asking for the streghth to put down those negative feelings that have fueled my personal campain to rid them from our community, because I am told mine and the prayers of so many affected by their disgusting lifestyle of these evil men have been heard. President Obama is giving his attention to our plight, Al Franken has promised us he will help us clean up our community and give it back to our people, but how quickly will their aid arrive to us? How many more of our people will be hurt before they step in and rid us of this burden? are we to take the Taliban approach with these gang bangers,and i ain't no fuckin sell out,i keep it real to my people,just like my ansestors have done,are we to have a surge of FBI, Task Force and local police agencies root them out of our community,just as they are doing now in afganistan with the taliban. Home by home, all the while providing training for our own people to police ourselves so we may prevent these problems from re-occurring within our fragile community, so we may re-streghthen ourselves in a proper way that helps us re-build our community that they, the United States who are also guilty of breaking down, making us vulnerble for situations such as these,and are they to withdraw from our lands as a occupying force. It is the least we are owed after so many years of mis-managment of our people, purposely planned mis-management that was ment to exstingish our presence all together within the United States, yet we are still here, fighting amongst ourselves in the ghettos they provided us with to die in. So yeah, I'm happy the white man wants to help us clean up the mess they helped create amongst us, but I refuse to be delt with as a helpless native victimized by this mordern day problem, for I been here fighting a guerrilla war with these men all my life, and so has my father. My father went to the grave fighting the corruption brought on by the outside inflences we suffered as a people threw out his life time. He made it a better tommorrow for me, so I will honor him and do the same for my childeren, honoring our ansestors will honor our childeren, honoring our childeren honors our ansestors. Death to the native mob, long live the Anishinaabe!

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