Tuesday, March 16, 2010

You cannot polish away the majestically rustic beauty of truth

It never amazes me of the boundless energy those put into their criticism of people who are standing up for those that are being wronged. Over emphasizing on those courageous individual's qualifications is robbing their energy from focusing on their tasks at hand, and deprives those in need of their services a chance to rise above their socially afflicted predicaments that are constantly overlooked by those that are inadvertently benefiting from their suffrage. Least I hope that it's inadvertent, but regardless, injustice is present here in Bemidji Minnesota. How and where those oblivious narrow minded individuals may retort in our faces? My answer is, it is alive and well hidden away from my injustice death squads scouring and marching for equality within your despicable excuse of poorly disguised socio-economic racist cesspool you refer to as 'Bemidji.' This isn't Bemichigaamug, that's disrespectful naming this racist city in the native language of the people they systematically victimize through racism. They should have called it Paul Bunyanville, because their living in a fantasy world where they believe themselves to be the magical children of privilege whisked away to a mystical land bountiful in resources for them them to exploit in their selfish greedy over-indulgent child-like joy, swatting the dirty savage natives away from their overflowing plates as they attempt to gobble everything up in sight. As we grovel on these reservations in dirt, that they think they gifted us with as a parting gift for our efforts in wars that they somehow gotten their decedents to believe they have won. My people were never defeated by the United States, not in war, not us Ojibwe. In the Senate was our fate to be reviewed and revised constantly to eventually diminish the indian people into oblivion. My people, thee Ojibwe, never wanted to harm the white man, we accepted him as our brother and allowed him to live amongst us, ensuring their survival so that we may share in a society of brotherhood and prosperity, but every chance they have gotten they systematically excluded us discretely within their senate halls, out rightly ignoring our voices or opinion in any and all matters that concerned the welfare of my people. The obscurity of our horrific treatment is also ignored and defended by an unlearned notions handed down by a ever more ignorant predecessors that believes the "injin" loves living in dirt, because that's all they proved for the "injin," promise after ever promise was dishonored to make way for this extreme era of racism devastating the native people of Minnesota's human rights. They have sweep the sturdy legs of our traditional tribal government right from underneath us, and as we attempt to regain our footing on this battlefield of injustice that was once our homelands, we are continuously excluded from help to stand on our own two feet in this society that is not meant to meet my needs as a Ojibwe person. This angers me as it would my ancestors, this is not the way we intended to share our beloved communities with you, just for you to take it upon yourselves in doling out what little humanity you believe the Ojibwe deserves after we treated you with the utmost respect and honor in all our matters. When we supposedly signed away our lands for the white man to own in 1855, we did not give up our rights to these lands to live, we did not relinquish any of our rights to public matters, we are the original occupants of these lands that told your ancestors to 'c'mon over n make yourselves at home, here, let us help your people survive and prosper here.' Despite the skirmish at Battle Point which ended in the favor of the Pillager Band of Ojibwes, we did not wish harm upon our white brothers, we had respect and honor for those that only wished to live as free and proud as my ancestors once did. Now we are shackled to these injustices that are meant to prevent us from involving ourselves in say over our matters, so yes, we do need something removed from the status quo in the Senate of middle-aged christian white men that uphold their divine futile conquest to conquer the heathen native, they have conquered some of us, but they haven't defeated us all. They have acquired scouts to navigate them through our tribal politics so that they can keep the hostiles in check if they so try to raise up in anger and say 'excuse me sir, but I believe those are my rights your hiding behind your back'

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