Friday, March 5, 2010

Real Guerillas, my life-an ode to Che

Before you confuse yourself on what some of you may think you know about Curtis Buckanaga, let me enlighten some of the dimmer audience I attracted to my blog. I noticed some of these so-called guerrillas claiming to be guerrillas because they stumbled upon the late great Che Guevara,when in fact I been a guerrilla before I even knew about Che Guevara and his life work, 3 years ago I read about him,15 years ago,as a very young conscious man, i formed the cannibal clan,also know as the chippewa guerrilla regime,in hopes to revitalize interest within our own cultures warrior societies and take back our young warriors from gang life, now that I am aware of him, I believe his job wasn't finished, but its not like I'm telling anyone anything new, because it's just the same old bullshit just new assholes. Like up here in northern Minnesota, police cooperation has brought about a new era of police corruption. I'm not calling anyone stupid but c'mon,gang bangers(mostly native mob) can go around selling their poison to our people because the task forces are in their pockets, if not just getting manipulated by these confidential informants, their still out there pulling their every day bullshit, paying the police off with bullshit information, and you may be asking yourself; how do I know all this? Simple, so before you go playing yourself and insinuate,for i am well aware that my name has been slandered because i oppose the harm drugs create within our community,when in fact that if that's how you view this situation then you your self is the one who is enemy of our plight for survival as a people,take a look in the Sunday Court Reports, that's where I learn about the tactics of these so called C.R.I, and the drug task forces. That's proof that cooperating with task forces don't clean up our community because their just as corrupt as the individuals their out there being funded to chase around. They constantly re-release these individuals to bring them more assholes, because those people have an agenda, which is getting high,and doing whatever it takes to stay high. My agenda is strengthening our community,so we can give it to our children without some of the bullshit that we as a community are allowing within it today,and I myself, would love it if someone came along and dragged all of you who are harming our community off to a prison cell where you will no longer hurt and oppress our people with your selfish bullshit, and give us back our chances of survival. Shit I wish I could do it, but to tell you the truth I'd probably execute all who opposed our survival like Che did to his enemies, and I know one thing for sure. I know the cops won't be hauling any one that needs to be revealed of their destructive duties, because if they cleaned up the community, then whose to give them money to be oppressive assholes? Then where will they go? They're not brave enough to go Iraq and pull that bullshit, so they feed into the problems that's bringing down our community, why? Because that's their coward ass pay check, plain and simple. So FUCK Native Mob, Vice Lords, Red Nation Click, Bloods, Crips, The Paul Bunyan Task Force or any other agency that white men put in place to criminalize the minorities of Minnesota, or any other lost fools running around playing cowboys and Indian. We Guerrillas will remain in the tree lines watching you play your reindeer games,and I'm not one of those silly fools that think hes guerrilla because he think it sounds cool to wear a Che shirt,i bet Che won't appreciate some of the douche bags i see running around with his face on their chest,being a guerrilla is a very hard road to walk for your people,and i am not revealing myself to my enemy out of stupidity,or self glorification,for i have honor,and my enemy has a right to be aware of my opposition of his/her oppression so he may know why and what we are fighting for,but our time will come when our community needs us,and then you will see the real guerrilla fighters of the Ojibwe nation,and not one of these defected guerrillas that got lazy and to comfortable,for i have never put down our struggle,we are the guerrilla front,we been guerrillas before guerrillas were cool,society made guerrillas of us,constant oppression gave birth to our militant mind set,it give us courage to fight a stronger overwhelming opponent,we didn't choose to be this way,i was unaware of my guerrilla lifestyle until i became a young man with a mind of my own,so i surround myself with those i call my brothers because we share the same beliefs of survival of our culture and people,we are the underdogs,we are the oppressed,we are the forsaken,we are the forgotten,we are the anishinaabe,and if your not standing amongst us,your not part of the guerrilla front that is our homelands,your just a frontin ass guerrilla.

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