Thursday, March 18, 2010

Aaniin dina Anishinaabedog?

Nicoles been receiving a lot of negative vibes from some cowardly acts of people that have issues dealing with their confused emotions with her candidacy. Its pretty obvious these apparent charlatans will attempt to become a nuisance when they muster the courage between them to demonstrate their shared ignorance, that's fine 'to each their own.' Yet their uneducated suspicions will be met with the same defiance we reserve for any opponent upholding these unsatisfactory conditions amongst our people, that will soon be my childrens' problems if we do not acknowledge them to formulate solutions to better our community for them. The jobbery that threatens my childrens' future, of those corrupted individuals will be thwarted as they stubbornly 'go down with their ships' they captain, floating upon their vast ocean of deceit that they choose to honor instead of the logical upright solution for our constantly declining slump we have found ourselves in as a community. Jealousy and envy are apparent, refusal to adhere to the younger generation's voices is disturbingly in attendance with their poorly veiled jealous attitudes that they brazenly displayed, along with their lack of encouragement. Dis-trustfulness will ensue, for we must protect ourselves from those that wish harm upon our plight for equality for our children that they openly choose to not effectively take part in, but not against those that openly engage us with their concerns no matter where they stem from. Honor is a word most commonly ignored today in these issues that embroil our shared community, respect is a word most commonly misused and neglected, loyalty and dedication are almost non-existent, in most situations, respect is not mutual. Although I maintain my composure in most situations where I or one of my loved ones are attacked with disrespect. It is expected in an excessive manner by those that take the word 'respect' out of context, and use it to manipulate us younger people. I demonstrate the utmost respect for those that have nurtured the quality of the share respect we initiated upon introductions. Yes, it is polite to honor those with honor and esteem that have endured the rigors of being a Native American elder, and when I say elders, I'm talking of anyone older then me, yet some refuse us a chance to appreciate them for their wisdom that they supposedly hold and choose to withhold from those of us that they do not approve of in their high standards that they have set as a trap in preventing us from exceeding their reputations as the backbone of our communities. Who are they to refuse us our equality? This is also a form of discrimination I have suffered at the hands of some of our elders, where is this attitude stemming from? I doubt that this is how our ancestors conveyed their dedication towards their younger counterpart in effort to help them maintain the harmony of our community. Why do I question these routines our community has fallen into, because it is a logical question to be asked why these feelings of faithlessness are creating distance between these generations of our people. The harmony of our community has been absent for quiet a long time, long before our generation became involved in the struggle, I am not blaming our predecessors, but we young people are taking on a lot of unresolved problems that have been afflicting our people for generations, and yes, we need your guidance, we need your confidence, we need your approval as elders, we need your respect also, it is this respect that will help us reclaim and maintain this balance that was disrupted long ago. Even before the elders today were born, the influential elders I encountered are few and far between, I am in no way passing judgment on these elder that I have experienced these issues with, I am just asking what has come between us from preventing those elders from heeding to our young voices of change that echos the truth and love of our ancestors. I might be young, but I was gifted with the intelligence to identify these problems but I was also gifted with the courage to speak out against them, I know when I become an elder this false entitlement to dismiss our next generations concerns for our community will not belong to me, not if they are effectively addressing matters I may have failed in preventing from becoming their struggle, we need to stand behind our strong young people, so we may guide them on the right path, so that they may lead our people into prosperity.

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