Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Credentials of corruption written in the blood of my people

If we Anishinaabe gave way to doubt, we would not be here today, those that put their energy into educating themselves in these ignorant practices have the best credentials to re-enforce these corrupt practices that victimize our people. They have conformed themselves to let this system put them in place to keep the so-called progress of discrimination running smooth, assimilated into this machine that runs on the suffrage of our people, thee Anishinaabe, but this machine is old and broken, so we're here to 'indian rig' it and hitch a ride to justice, and when we get there, we're going to help them fix this machine so it runs on unity, and it won't give off these emissions of poverty that pollute our native communities. It doesn't matter where we learned the mechanics of politics, just as long as we have the patience and know how to repair these damages we sustained on this long bumpy road to equality, from the land of the free, to the prisons of serfdom, the Native American today is still attempting to wedge themselves into this racist mess, door after door is slammed in our faces, every chance we get our foot in the door, they force it shut, severing our foot, injuring our chance to stand on our own feet, we lie outside the doors of justice pleading for help, we know they can hear us, yet they ignore our pleas. Once and awhile they open the door to check on us, asking if we're okay, saying' what are you talking about? your foot is still their, get up and walk back to your reservation, away from these doors, your not injured' we tell them' no, you crushed our foot off, we can't stand' we can see our foot on a mantle, upon a trophy case, eroded away to bone, useless, so now we have enlisted these elite Native American political engineers to create a bionic leg, a leg so powerful it will shatter the doors that are shut before us. It will crush any barrier that stands in our way of equality, today we have the social technology to rebuild what was neglected and damaged in our plight for justice, technology that will make us stronger then our ancestors could have ever imagined, utilizing these instruments will allow us to mend ourselves, to defeat any villain that attempts to harm our well being. We will harness the energy of our ancestors to empower our struggle into progress. Our dedication to our people is our credentials, the testament to the suffrage we endured is our credentials, the voices of our ancestors that echo through us is our credentials, the tobacco I put out as prayer is my credentials.

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