Friday, March 5, 2010

Decree of Defiance: Restistance of the Colonization of Native Mob

They have dug their greedy bloody hands into the souls of our children. They pass around their collection plate amongst us of misery to fund their campaign of despair. disrupting the harmony that our ancestors fought so disparately to provide us with, Medicating our downtrodden Ojibwe pain of our burdens with poison, leaving yet another generation of our warriors despondent to the pleads of our children. Leaving our young mothers and daughters incoherent to the needs of our young. Leaving our elder in a state of taciturn do to their repugnance of the condition of the community they have succeeded to us.I believe we as a whole have betrayed our people by failing to reject and oppose these individuals from the irreparable damages they are knowingly inflicting upon our community. We have become indolent in the comfort that our fear provides in our self denial of the duty we are to uphold for the sake of our children. We let these individuals manipulate our proprieties we have relied upon that ensured our survival.Are we to let them pillage the land of the pillager? Are we to offer all we have left? All that was given to us as sacrifice to the wickedness of these vile despicable men? They care not of the welfare of our people or our community they casually affront, their treachery is evident to us all, yet we abjure from our responsibilities that our fore bearers preserved as our birthright for our children. Well I refuse to abandon our struggle, I refuse to be satisfied with these conditions we are subjected, I refuse to take notice of your doubt, I refuse to become apart of your fear, your ignorance, or your adverse option of the reality you choose to dismiss in your overindulgent stupor. I refuse to acknowledge your presence completely unless you are involving yourself in our plight or unless you take part in the distress our community suffers. This is my proclamation of our Anishinaabe preservation, I pledge my life to uphold my responsibilities to our people. It would be my honor to die for those not yet brave enough to stand strong for our children. It would be my honor to die by the hands of those that have made themselves enemies of the Anishinaabe, ahaw.

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