Friday, March 5, 2010

native pride has become our social shame

For too long were we made to be ashamed of our native heritage and culture, too long were we prosecuted for practicing our way of life, but that was our grandparents, and in some cases our own parents struggle. We are at least a generation or two removed from that reality our community once suffered, since then we witnessed our human rights movement that re-established pride in our way of life, in a sense of pride which gave us back our sense of worth as human beings, but as a integrated part of the civil rights movement, Our plight was overshadowed, yet we became vulnerable to social downfalls that were not meant for our demise, we profited in the awareness to other americans of our inhumane conditions we were being subjected to within our own country, shedding light upon our inhuman neglect, and the disparity of the conditions our people suffered at the hands of our government, but we unlike blacks, we became militants. We empowered our people with our heritage, which was outlawed to practice until the indian freedom act of 1978, blacks which promoted gang life within their communities to empower their down trodden, were socially manipulated ,corrupted and slandered by the white americans fear of black unity. Criminalizing the black man for organizing himself and implemented the criminal element amongst them to discredit their attempts of prosperity, and since then the African American has become aware of this effect. Gang life is becoming less common within the urban African American community, yet gang life thrives and has a very overwhelming presence today within our native communities, I do not feel obligated in describing the black man's struggle within America, but I can only sympathize and identify. Today I see a lot of this campaign for native pride, and we as a whole have received this notion, and it thrives within our communities very strongly, but the misuse of this word has now become an excessive vice which is blinding us from its self-centered symptoms of vanity. We have lost our humility in the process, much to the degree of becoming oblivious to assimilating ourselves into the place of our own oppressors. Our original oppressors now fuels their indirect involvement by degradating and denying us opportunities,such as employment and implementing guild lines to discourage us from pursuing equality within our community by using the senate to pass insensitive laws meant to impoverish and criminalize the native community and its population. This is why we must educate ourselves so we may involve ourselves in the say of our matters. This is why we should not be proud, how can we be proud of allowing gang life to integrate itself in our community to oppress us even further and jeopardize the future of our communities welfare. How can we be proud of our suicide rate do to the disparity of these conditions, drug addiction they fuel amongst us, alcoholism and the glorification of its use they promote to our youth, senseless violence, domestic and gang. Gangs promote these elements to ravage our people that are exposed to the ignorance of pride. Pride is now obsolete in the struggle we face today, today we need our humility, to realize what we are letting happen to ourselves, and to make those ashamed for the repercussions of their ignorant pride.

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