Friday, March 5, 2010


i really don't see to many native parents nowerdays wanting a better life for their childeren,alot of them are to assimilated to realize the harm their feeding into,conquered people,thats what they are,defeated from birth,carrying on their parents burden,thats why they gang bang,and exploit their people,trying to be anything but native,because they suceeded and assimilated most of us,it pisses me off to see this stupidity thriving in our native households,not to many of us native parents stress our ansestors belief apon our childeren,we held on to what makes us anishinaabe,not to many of us realize its our responcablity to rehabilitate our community from this blow our ansestors endured,we're bleeding our culture out of ourselves,alot are to ignorant to realize its their own doing thats corrupting our communities,giving their children these beliefs and way of thinking,and alot of these dumb ass parents are drinking and doing drugs with their babies,giving way to our F.A.S. population,i myself believe we should set up programs that meet the needs of our F.A.S.native people,and we should hold their parents accountable for the harm they inflicted apon our community,charging them with premeditated attemped murder,tie their tubes and send them off to rehilitation,if they can't be responciable with our next generation,they should have no part in creating it,the reason i am writing this blog is because i have childeren,and they come home and constantly tell me of the ignorant bullshit they see in school demostrated by their classmates,and i blame their ignorant ass parents,and if your child hurts mine out of inherent ignorance,then i'll probably be showing up to your front door to teach you some manners and respect,and i hope that lesson trickles down for your childeren so they don't make lazy ignorant dumbass kids that go around harming our community,cuz if you allow this,your not only ignorant but also lazy,its your responcablity as a parent to teach these kids a good way to live,not to be teaching them how to swear,give the middle finger,hit,and call names,those are your doings as their parent,and your parent obviously didn't teach you any manners.

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