Friday, March 5, 2010

Not a leader amongst us

I never considered myself political until I found myself in the midst of political issues. I concerned myself with these issues pertaining to the welfare of our Ojibwe people, but being a young naive man, I did not take this on as my responsibility until I became knowledged in these truths preventing prosperity amongst our Ojibwe communities of Minnesota. This corruption that's implicated by these Minnesota politicians influence within our own tribal government and the perversion of our tribal sovereignty astonished and disgusted me. Yes, inadequate leadership is also culprit here on our part for electing such uneducated men to represent us as delegates of our people, only to be manipulated and cowed into these illusions of sovereignty and economic self sufficiency that Indian gaming in reality is not providing our Ojibwe people. Providing us with poverty wages in smoke filled work environments, all the while preventing us from organizing ourselves in the face of these obstacles of equality, this is not a justice met for the Ojibwe of Minnesota. Nor is it just that our casino revenues goes towards campaign funds of these insensitive politicians that rarely if never touch on issues that meet our needs as citizens of Minnesota. There is not one Native American that sits on the Minnesota state legislature, but that's kind of a tale order to fulfill on our behalf if we can not even elect or produce a adequate leader into our own tribal offices. Where have all our leader gone? None of our educated Anishinaabeg want to dedicate their compassion or comprehension of government toward the benefits of our people. Are they to scared, or are they too smart to involve themselves in such a corrupted enterprise of political office? Well I guess the white man will fix everything for us I hope, WELL THAT'S BULLSHIT! Someone amongst us needs to grab the reigns from these imbeciles that empower themselves off our suffrage. We need to educate our people on these issues so we can make the right decisions that benefit our community. We need intelligent leaders that provide these truths to our people, not puppets 'dumbing' us down with the falsehoods of our tribal rights and sovereignty. Yes knowledge is power, the truth will set us free, education is our key, it will help us put smart strong Anishinaabeg in offices to fight for our equality. For too long has our voices gone unheard in those senate halls, for too long have our needs gone unmet by our white brothers in the senate, for too long have our people been exposed to the elements of poverty and all its wretches, we must fight to give our people a chance to rise out of these ruins of degradation we've been wasting away in for far too long. Equality will help us squelch the drug addiction, the alcoholism, the scourge of gangs in our community. If we embrace the prosperity of equality, we will give ourselves the opportunities to re-build our ethics we as a people for the most part has lost due to the constant bombardment of discrimination we suffered and afflicts our surviving population after such a harsh era of inhumanity, we are at least owed equality, we are at least owed the opportunity to re-build what was almost lost and destroyed by our would-be conquerors, now we must rely upon the means of educating ourselves until we are all aware of our part we play in our demise so that we can change our inadvertent practices diminishing our vanishing way of life as Anishinaabeg.

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