Friday, March 5, 2010

Enemy of the Anishinaabe

Once again I am amazed by the utmost ignorant stupidity I have yet to have wittnessed. Some of my colleagues have brought some things to my attention that they found while exploring the internet. Although I ignore most of these cowards' mindless banter, I believe this new representation they are trying to promote themselves will jepordize the movement we embarked upon in hopes of giving our community back to our people. Apparently the oppressors of our way of life are now claiming to be somehow involved with the guerrilla movement our people are intrenched in. Gang banger lowlifes in no way what so ever embodies the survivial we are attempting to attain with our culture. Their culture is gang culture, they exploit the idea of the Native American struggle to promote their destructive selfish corrupt agenda. That just goes to show us that we who are actually living this reality of surviving in the guerrilla front know as our Northern Ojibwe communities, that these individiuals are truly aware and threatened with our resistance. They are attempting to blend in and infiltrate our movement to more adquately exploit our people and make their money, they are claiming to be 'guerrillas' and attempting to discredit our struggle for survivial. I believe we must be wary of all those that claim to be 'guerrilla' so that we may prevent them from collapsing our struggle from within. I believe any and all Anishinaabe with the awareness of our struggle that utilize our culture to socially empower our Anishinaabe children in the face of oppsition in our ojibwe communities are the real guerrillas, and i'm proud to say i see that guerrilla lifestyle in 90% of the Anishinaabes I encounter everyday within our community, because we rise above all this ignorance and we live our Anishinaabe way of life regardless of those that oppose it, and wrecklessly endanger the future of our people,i do not know how they can identify themselves as the oppressed when they themselves are directly involved with the problems oppressing our community, so i ask you to be aware of those gang bangers passing themselves off as guerrillas, so that their ignorant deeds don't become our responcibilities,our responcibility as members of this community is to bring about knowlegde of their harmful activities these evil corupt men promote amongst us.

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