Wednesday, March 17, 2010


..The repetitive humdrum monotone reciprocates though the pitiful pleas of my people as we come out of this seventh fire. It doesn't matter what happened to us, not any more. What matters now is what are we going to do with what we have left of our Anishinaabe people. What are we going to do with these gifts that have fell through the hands of our enemies? Only to re-kindle the fires that have been constantly threatened to be doused by the blood of our ancestors. Why are we standing around fighting each other, pointing fingers and blame at one another as if we took part in the tragedies that befell our ancestors? None of us are responsible for what has happened to them, we are only responsible for what happens today, and today we must look around at each other and see who needs tending to, so that we may help them mend and once again stand, standing with us against our enemies, we have smiled through our enemies last insult, now we must stand together and let them know that they cannot heal themselves without us, for they are sick. We must sing for them, tell the spirits that they need our help, we've been asking the spirits to protect us from them long enough, yet their sickness has infected our young warriors that have wandered off, those are our protectors, and we must ask the spirits to help these young men, wake them up from their nightmares and ask them to join us around the fire. We must listen to the children as well as the elders, for they have just joined us from the spirits and their innocence is medicine that can wash away the disease that hatred has brought upon our people. Our children will lead us all back to the fire where our elders sit waiting for us, it is there where we will come together and celebrate the gifts that have made us stronger as brothers so that we may honor our children with those long forgotten bonds of brotherhood.

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