Friday, March 5, 2010

Fake Ass Anishinaabes

As charlatans attempt to purloin a geniune attempt of a revolutionary renaissance within our ojibwe communities, I ask myself this question, where does this ignorent attitude convey from that blinds the apparent adherent of the ideas and beliefs we supposedly share to come into conflict, I believe they are too overstimulated with their own lives that they are oblivious towards their harmfully assimilated mindset, and that's not their fault, for they inherited their parents assimilations, they were raised to distingish their diffences and praised when they excercised their assimilative behaviors, and that also falls back upon my frustrations with those apparent activist militants that live a oxymoronic lifestyle. They believe themselves to be the epidemy of the struggle, when they are obviously de-sensitized towards the real issues that we directly involved are subjected to, their selfish agenda is apparent in the attitude they display. They believe they are in some way obligated to recignition they do not deserve for false intentions, when they in fact are more interested in personal gain then accutally going about things in the correct manner that will benifit those they are suposedly concerned. I myself, am not one to be swayed by such elaborate facade, for I believe I have invested enough study of any opponent of our survivial to distinguish those geniune from those fake ass Anishinaabes,and I'm more then confident your aware of whom I speak of wether or not you choose to acknowledge your blatant act of attempting to undermind those more adequately qualified to convey our empathetic involvment within our Anishinaabe communities,i refuse to let the momentum of our movements infrastructure be infiltrated and jeopordized by those not dedicated to our main goals,which is equality,survivial,and revivialization of our anishinaabe way of life.

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