Saturday, August 1, 2009

Prisoners of fear

I recently became aware of the conditions inside our prison system concerning these problems we deal with. From my understanding there is this same conflict within the walls of those prisons, as soon as a young native enters, Native Mob snatches him up and intimidates them into conforming in to their so-called warrior society, and there's also a group of brothers that try and unite all the natives under tradition. But I wonder why if the Native Mob are drastically embarking on the sole purpose of gaining numbers to intimidate, then why are they mainly victimizing their own people through their aggressive organization tactics. Sorry to say its working though, but I guess my main question I have, and I keep researching is, why don't they stand up to them in there? Inside those walls, if someone or a group of men stood against them with the approval of the elders and community that welcomes them home when they return to civilization, then that alone should strengthen a good path,a good path that runs right threw the walls of those prisons,right back into our community, and I understand the sorrow and loneliness of confinement. I grew up inside correctional facilities, and compared to the rest of the facilities, natives were small in number, but we banded together, and that alone made us strong. Yeah there was gang bangers amongst us, but all that mattered is that we were native. I had a very good friend in one facility, his name was Franky Parker, we called him spank. I was locked up with him for 2 years inside, he killed someone, another native, and Franky was Native Mob, but he was my friend. He was my brother, we shared lodge and prayer, we did our time, and we got out. I seen him after Hinkely after they beat me with bats, I was all busted up still, and I was at Cass Lake pow wow confronting Native Mob. Asking them why they did that to me, all they did, was start yelling around about being Native Mob and how their gonna finish the job,and while i was confronting them, Franky emerges from the crowd, he addresses me with concern, and I start at an attempt to talk with him. But our conversation was drowned out by ignorant threats and yelling of the words, 'NATIVE MOB.' The security broke us up, and I went home disgusted with that blatant show of disrespectful power within my community. Not too long after that Frankie was killed,and that made me very sad,i do not wish any ill will apon any native mob,i only pray for en-lightenment,understanding ,and brotherhood,but after that situation at the cass lake pow wow, I went home and hacksawed my casts off and lifted weights till i couldn't move my arms. Thats how pissed I was, but I am still pissed today,Maybe even more then I was back then, because people are scared. Why the hell are we so afraid to stand up for what is right? Why the hell do we cower around our own community walking on egg shells for these evil men? I'm sick of it. Native Mob are but not even 1% of our community, probably not even that, yet they grip our community in fear, i'm not scared of these fuckin cowards, and they killed me before, and i welcome them to try it again, because i'll be damned if i let them destroy everything i love and care for. And I love my people, I love our community, and I carry a heavy sadness now because of the state of despair the Native Mob afflicted us with. So yeah I have my reasons, some personal, but my main objective is to return our community to the people, to our children, for the betterment and preservation of the Anishinaabe people,and i'm not going to give in to that fear thats been preventing us from coming together and surviving,fear is not a option when we face situations as these,your comfort zone has become your prisons,people sit inside of their houses scared of their community,i refuse to be a prisoner in my own community.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, been on both sides and people like that are killing us off.
