Saturday, August 1, 2009

Native Mob(Custers revenge)

Well then, if you are reading this, and you are native mob, thank you for your attention,you may already know me,because 8 years ago you killed me at the hinkley pow wow 49,but i was revived and survived,i believe i was kept here to raise awareness and combat your evil influence on our nation, i am writing this so you may become aware of who we are and of a movement many are involved in to bring about the end of your presence in our ojibwe communities,yes we are aware of all of you,aware of all your action and intentions,and every day we grow stronger and even more aware,know this also,we are aware that you consider yourselves a warrior society,and there isn't a warrior amongst you,just uneducated,evil children that manipulate a generation of F.A.S. children to preform your dirty work,you are all corrupt cowards,and you will be responsible for the destruction of our people if we fail to stop you,we are working day and night to give awareness of the harmful lifestyle you all encourage,we will not rest until you are stopped and if we die in the process of progress,then so be it,at least we can say we sacrificed ourselves for the betterment of our nation,you can't sit there trying to convince us all your are not who we all see you for,the spirits gifted us with the medicine to see you all for who you really are,i been fighting you guys in my community since in was very young,i have witnessed your path of upheaval and destructive chaos,i have researched and studied you since the beginning of your existence, I have consulted the same elders that you have approached to gain approval of,but they have only became ashamed and angered with the ignorance you all promote,and we are all working towards a tomorrow where your so-called warrior society isn't oppressing our children and endangering our well being as a nation,you are not a warrior society,you are a street gang,nothing more nothing less,not even a mafia,native mafia,a mafia is a bit more structured and organized,you are all uneducated,misinformed,misdirected,and none of you are working for the betterment of our people,none of you are warriors,your society is gang culture,gangs were created by the white man to keep the black community unorganized,and we as a people that we're on the brink of extinction can not afford to be brought down by the weak minded men that are to selfish to care about our nations survival,so why call your self natives,nothing you do is native,or even in the intention of being native,i believe you guys should be called the general george custer gang,that fits you better then native mob,because all your doing is hurting,killing,oppressing native people,so when you little boys wanna be honest with yourselves,let us know,because we as a people have no more patience for your stupidity,that goes for any one else that empowers the destructive lifestyle of gang culture in our native communities,look at it this way,i bet Geronimo or crazy horse would take one look at one of you so called natives and take your scalp right there for being so careless with the lives they fought so hard to preserve,i don't know about any of you native mob,but i'd re-evaluate myself before we come together and banish all existence of your despicable lifestyle.

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