Saturday, August 1, 2009

jealous ones envy

I am not the type of man that you'll see across a parking lot with a picket sign, shouting out about the latest affliction brought down upon our people to deal with. I do not walk or run to support native issues, but i will support you in your plight to open the public's eyes to our problems. I'm a man of action, I'm the type you'll confront in the battlefield, wherever it may be, whatever end of the battlefield you my be standing on, I'm the one hitting the gym everyday training,so i do not let my people down. I am the one walking the streets at night, watching over our community the best i can. I'm not saying I'm better or worse then those who put their energy into civil protest and public display of our survival, but we all have our gifts, those gifts give us responsibilities. And we must focus on those areas, and support each other the best we can, for this is all our fight. Alot of natives i reach out to do not take this as their responsibility,they are afraid or they choose to ignore our struggle because they believe they won't make a difference. We are the difference, we are the struggle, and this is not a new idea to attempt to organize our people in the face of adversity. This goes far beyond one's ego or pride, this involves the survival of our people, that is why i am reaching out to my fellow warriors that are brave enough to stand together and let our enemy know we will no longer sit by and be oppressed. Whoever they my be, because i don't agree with gangs or any other corrupt organizations in general that harms our nation, that disrespects our way of life, that laughs at our survival. The white man use to be the one doing this to us, sometimes he still tries, but i blame white Americans influence and negative empowerment he bestowed upon those who embraced his evils, and learned to oppress their people with. That's what cowards do, they pick on the weak, the vulnerable,it doesn't matter if your friend with native mob,your family might be native mob,but we must let them know we won't let them continue to corrupt our nation any further, i know Native Mob is not the only adversary we face, but it is one that deserves our attention so we may give our full attention to what ever else may be preventing our people to prosper, may it be politics or police brutality, I'll do my best to confront all issues and do what i can. This is my community, i live here, i was born here, that's why i believe i have a say in matters that concern the welfare of my people. I do not have time to explain the demographics of the Northern Minnesota lakes region to every misinformed self-proclaimed activists that thinks they know what issues would be neat for our people to preform for their entertainment. I think they should focus their energy on solutions that actually work for our peoples benefit, they lose site of our true mission by trying to get all the attention and act like we haven't been doing this since we became men with voices. I did not jump to this conclusion that we should be throwing our attention around to preform tasks that won't benefit our nation as a whole, i don't care if you like what i must say, i know what i am talking about when i open my mouth, do you?

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