Friday, April 30, 2010

White politics are red shackles

The white man really believes this is only about politics, although his 'politics' has forced us to fight for our survival as a people, this is now a fight for our freedom. To free us from the shackles of the white mans 'politics' that has been causing us great distress for far too long, we devise plans to free ourselves from these shackles so they will not harm another generation of our people, so we can heal ourselves and our communities with the loving nurturing teachings of our ancestors that the white man once criminalized and attempted to stripe away from our people. The world is looking to the anishinaabe people everywhere to save our planet, these men and their 'politics' are the reasons our mother is erupting in anger and sadness of her abuse and neglect that they sign into policy. People are starting to listen to our conscious yell to wake up and look at these shackles they have cast upon us, shackles that prevent us from helping our mother. The earth is crying for us to help her and stop hurting her, yet the idle worship of the almighty dollar leads our leaders to our betrayal of our mother, some of our people have been manipulated into having false vanity for these shackles. Our leaders have lead us astray, our leaders have become tyrants, I am ashamed of our leaders, are my children going to be victims for these men and their polices? Why must we sacrifice our children in the name of progress, the white man tries to discourage us from raising up to free ourselves, why? Because he is scared, and he knows we're now strong enough to break free from his bondage of discrimination, now we must unite and stand together. Not all white men work to keep us imprisoned by discrimination, but these white men that idly sit by and witness these injustices of institutionalized racism shouldn't be let off the hook either. We 'Indians' are fed up with this constant deterioration of our community and our way of life into this corrupted uneducated perspective of these ignorant white men, that only wish to keep our involvement of their policy making to the value of those corrupted manipulated tribal officials that are token to their harmful notion of their 'indian' brothers. We are directly threatening these harmful lifestyles they live on, our peoples suffrage is only providing the white men with his attitude of his privileged notion, we are going to restore dignity and strength to the fight for equality we are currently battling, we are renewed strength to the fight for justice of the indian people, we have been born into this battle, we have been raised and educated to be aware of our enemies and his ignorant ways, we have studied their oblivious arrogant behavior, and their has been occasions I have been blessed with to rekindle that long forgotten brotherhood we once share with our white brothers. Those bonds of brotherhood have helped me struggle to help our white brothers that have forgotten how to appreciate our kinship and remember the value of his indian brothers, there will be a day when we rejoice in that long forgotten brotherhood, but today is not that day, today we must fight, to show our enemies we are worthy of their respect, to let our enemies know will not allow this mistreatment of our people to go on any longer, to make our enemies accountable for the betrayal and treachery that has created this discontentment and distrust amongst us. I am a Warrior for Justice, and I pity the man that is going to be on the business end of my Battle charge for equality.

Ninzaasaakwemin (our war cry)

To those that stand hypercritical yet live to standards of hypocritical stature, constantly carping and passing judgment as most pass gas. This foul manner they insist on portraying themselves and their ideas does not sell well to the public at large where they are attempting to attract the attention of with their pretentious demeanor, they even push away those that they are attempting to entice with their shabby incognizant salesmanship, they attempt to hold themselves in high regards because they have little to no knowledge of self. For those that have an awareness of ones self value tend to be rather humble, and usually do not withhold their worth behind criticism, these people always point fingers and look outside of them selves for answers and blame, rarely do we that take notice see them genuinely provide something remotely transparent. Most of the time they have a poorly veiled self serving agenda, I have been knowingly guilty of letting people take me for a ride if the deceit they are providing for our relationship looks to be in righteous regards, because then there is hope of instilling the influence of truth and honor into their idea, and I do this because I have respect for these people, not for who they think they are, but for who I truly see them as. No, I am not gullible or easy to manipulate, I am buoyant and very optimistic of others, and I see good in these people I choose to associate myself with, they have become my family, even those that wish to stand there as obstacles cringing as we close distance between our goals for truth, and equality, we hope these people don't get trampled hiding behind their treachery by the momentum of our battle charge of justice. If there are people whose egos become casualty to this battle for justice we have entrenched ourselves, I am sorry, but the importance of this movement will over run any that wish to stand in our way, but I will have respect and honor to help anybody up that we might have had to knock down. Gregory Paquin has sounded the war cry to initiate the battle charge of the Ogichidaawag for Justice Political War Party, I say War Party because this is going to be one helluva fight, in the spirit of Tecumseh we will set out to gain support of all our people everywhere, we will gather political warriors from everywhere to circle the senate halls on the hill, this is going to be the last stand for injustice and discrimination against our people. It will be the initiation of the healing to come, take heart my people, you will be asked to stand up and fight, I pray for all to have the strength and courage to help us, you have fought for our survival, now we must fight for our freedom.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Drowning in the mainstream

The time has come for the weak hearted being swept away to draw strength from the strong hearted that stand against the current, the flood gates of ignorance and injustice have been open upon our community, will we play games in order to survive? Or will we fight as our ancestors did? Will we grovel within deception? Or will we fight with conviction? Yes our ancestors fought for us to be here today, cowards will manipulate the history of our people in order to satisfy their weak heart that is corrupted by fear. Deception is not a strong foundation to build anything of value to provide prosperity, we must proceed with truth and honor to defeat these corrupted practices and beliefs victimizing our people, our people have gave way to defeat for far too long. There is no balance of peace here to be spoken of, and if these people can be peaceful when their is no peace to speak of, then they must be naive, obtuse, or just plain ignorant to the reality of our situation. Peace coming out of the mouths of these weak hearted people is a foul word, the distortion of the word turns it into a weapon to thwart and demonize the strong hearted warriors that struggle to rouse their defeated people. The indoctrination of fear contaminates some of the most open of eyes that sees these evils, their weak hearted teachings prevent them from ever rising above their barrier of fear they have placed before themselves, all these fears will soon dissipate as the darkness this fear invoke is illuminated upon by the radiant beauty of truth, honor will be the foundation we rebuild our community upon. With honor we can appreciate our teachings, that will bring back the balance we all yearn for, many talk of this balance, but not many are strong enough to truly live by those teachings, why? Because those teachings are not priority to a lot of hypocritical people that try and preach of them. Mainstream society has swept away these teaching from a lot of families of our people, and if they wish to let those teaching go, then fine, but why are some attempting to institute their corrupted diluted opinion and their dastardly ways into anything good we are fighting to provide for our people. Every day I pray to find understanding of these weak hearted people that try and drag us down with them to drown in this mainstream of ignorance and injustice. I pray they will let me help them stand against the current and struggle to the source of these disparities to seal the flood gates of ignorance, because I can't do it alone, its going to take all of us to save our community from drowning in the mainstream. Our elders sit upon rocks within this current, safe because they are wise, yet they are not young and strong enough to survive the relentless current, that is up to us to make it safe for them to help us again. I'm sorry I can't help everyone that reaches out to me, they are being pulled away by others allowing themselves to drown, sometimes I'm not yet as strong as I wish to be.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Charlatans and tyrants

Not many speak from their heart nowadays, not many are interested in the value of truth, most are interested in knowledge that helps them discredit truth. Some ignorant people become rather defensive then their confirmation bias are debunked in their ignorant pursuit of knowledge that caters to their self centered ignorant ideals, those ideals, which assists them to confuse and manipulate gullible, uneducated people's perspectives and interests, which they take as an opportunity to undertake these people by their manipulative nature. There is a lot of scripted, rehearsed dialog that is exchanged in the hopes of manipulating one's peers or the community at large, a lot of plagiarized and regurgitated jargon and gibberish is exchanged in hopes of elevating one stature amongst those of whom that individual is attempting to deceive, I for one have no desire to dupe those I interact with. If I feel I have to lie to someone in order to cater to some ulterior motive, then I have wandered off my path, and I should find my way back to that path of truth as quickly as possible, so I may continue to enlighten myself and those I interact with, those that value my opinion will not receive any patronizing nor false rhetoric. I reserve no compensation for my opinion unless there is logic of improving my view of the situation or the matters that may be enticing my attention. My interests lay with my people and our community, to improve every and all aspects of lives here in Northern Minnesota for the Ojibwe people, so we may repair and improve our relations with all of those within our community, but how can we heal our community when we first must awake our people, my pursuit for truth will not be halted by these charlatans amongst us, nor will they be hindered by those in opposition of our struggle for truth, equality and justice. I view these pitiful people as mere distractions that consume little to none of my concern. Why? Because I see them for who they are, and not for whom they are attempting to deceive the public as, their bullshit does not interest me, yet their are many that fall victim to these peoples deceptive facade, those people that are victim to their lies are the focus of my efforts, to help them open their eyes to the lies and the people living behind those lies that harm our community, so we may restore harmony to our community that has been manipulated and disrupted out of control long ago, we must bring order back to our community, we need to open every bodies eyes to these lies that have manipulated our interests for far to long. Truth will lead us out of this darkness of ignorance and racism that has consumed our community, we will prevail against these pathetic villains that work against the truth, truth which will free our people, our people have been imprisoned by their lies for far too long, now is the time to look beyond all those in power that are responsible for leading us down this dark path of discontentment, it is their faults we are where we have woken up and found ourselves lost within this racist maze of injustice, we must waken all our people and get out of this mess. I will keep on speaking out and yelling in fury until all of our people are awakened from this nightmare of racism and inequality, it will be hard to tranquilize our community with those old indoctrinated lies after we get done yelling around about the truths of these charlatans and tyrants, we must empower our people with the truth to overcome these problems that those in power have used to manipulate our interests and keep us in shackles, we must bring the power back to the people and out of the hands of those that are out of hand with power, and whom are out of touch with the people.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sit-around-the-forts and uncle and auntie tom-a-hawks

Some people are truly scared or threatened by what we are doing here in Northern Minnesota concerning native issues in politics, some Indians are trying to stand against us because they are comfortable with the discrimination that goes on here. some have made themselves apart of this discrimination, some have been manipulated in working in efforts against our plight for equality, some are paid to stand in our way, some are so diluted with ignorance that they can't see the reality of our situation, some are so pompous and arrogant about our issues they don't believe it is any of their responsibility to try and bring positive change to our community, and when we point these issues out to them, they become angry and defend their ignorance with such conviction that to them they believe their corrupted ideals are to be admired by our community. It becomes rather frustrating trying to open peoples eyes to the truth or trying to motivate them to doing something proactive for our people and our community. No, I don't have all the answers, I am no pinnacle of truth, but at least I'm trying to find those answers, at least I'm not sitting around doing nothing, least I'm not trying to stand in the way of those seeking justice and equality for themselves and their families, least I am not critical of anybody that is truly making positive change, some of these Indians try and ridicule us for our determination, attempting to discourage us with their lack of concern for our conscious voices. If anybody believes they can combat these problems more effectively, then by all means, I'd step aside and support that, or those persons, but Trying to discredit the validity of our defiant voices, we won't stand for that, these people that try to look down their noses at us want to give way to their jealousies instead of joining us to fight the good fight. We are not trying to exclude any body for any reason to help us bring unity to our community, yes, we may never eradicate ignorance and racism, but we are going to make it hard for ignorance and institutionalized racism to continue to thrive here. We are going to break the back of institutionalized racism and weaken it to a crippled decrepit state where it can no longer pose to be a threat to our people and our community, these sit around the fort Indians that have made these injustices apart of their pathetic lives get no sympathy from me when I'm standing here trying to help them stand up for themselves and shake this oppression off, but most of these obnoxiously pompous indians are standing up for all the wrong reasons. Their standing for themselves not our people, everything they do is meant to embellish their own self centered motives of pursuing their delusions of grander, yes this is disturbing. Yes it is disgusting, and that is when we must stand against these indoctrinated people, be they indian or white. There was a young white man boasting his credentials, explaining his beliefs that entitles him to question what we are trying to achieve here, he was exaggerating his point to find justification for his obvious ignorance, this young man was sitting here telling us the same old rhetoric that his predispose have indoctrinated upon him, he has allowed himself to be educated in insensitivity and white privilege that he can not see the truth as a whole. Yes, he sees truth but only truth that allows him to justify his ignorance, the dynamics of this racism is sometimes too much for those whom lack the conviction or the intelligence or the proper education to differentiate its convoluted presence here in good ol' Northern Minnesota, some indians are threatened by what we are doing because it is their job to keep these discriminators in place, so it doesn't disrupt their white handlers enterprise of injustice which is fueled by the Indians suffrage. This shiftlessness, this faithlessness, and this treachery will not hinder our plight for justice and equality, and for those of you that stand in our way with your inept questions, just keep them to yourselves and stand aside, because we haven't the time nor patience to help you understand your own ignorance, that is up to those people to open their eyes and educate themselves to the obvious, it is up to them to adhere to the reality of these matters, to determine logical and moral effort to create harmony within our community. Yes, we understand those people that choose to only question our efforts, but if we spent our days going out and trying to help them see the validity of our struggle, then we would never achieve anything. I believe the results of our efforts will answer these individuals questions that they ignorantly pose against our efforts, a majority of our people see the value of the struggle for equality we have entrenched ourselves in, elders and spiritual leaders are coming out in support of our efforts for peaceful resolutions for change for our people, and that is all the validation I need to wake up every morning and fight harder then I did that previous day.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Breaking the back of institutionized racism

Lehman and Myers, obliviously bigots, Myers stated “We’re talking such an entitlement mentality on those reservations that I don’t think they’re going to support someone that says I believe we need to cut those entitlements. I’d do my best, I’d go to their powwows when they have them … but are they going to support me in the end? I don’t think they’re going to support any Republican in the end. You do your best, but you have to be realistic.” so in short, why care about the Indians, they won't allow us to discriminate them openly, lets turn our backs on them and continue to ignore them then. I have something to share with Mr. Myers, my fiance's father and his family whom are from Turtle Mountain voted for McCain, I don't know why, but they did. So don't write the Indian vote off just yet, there are Indians uneducated enough to waste their vote on you, he also stated “We need strategy to allow us to win without those reservations.” well Mr. Myers, That is exactly what has been going on for far too long, I believe we need to redistrict to unify the Indian vote. The white politician strategically broke down the Indian communities to weaken our voice in political matters, a lot of our Indian people live off the reservation, mainly around and within the Bemidji City limits. You speak as if we encourage our own people to rely on these "entitlement" program, a 100 years ago we didn't rely on the white man for anything, the white man relied on us. We hunted and fished to provide for our families, the white man has snuck his way into our lives with his polices and laws which eroded away our way of life into this dismal discontentment which ravages the Indian household to this day. Once again these white men are attempting to belittle us to the conditions this racist society has forced upon my people, like this is wholly our responsibility that we have let our communities fall into this despair, I'm pretty sure this is not what my ancestors envisioned for their grandchildren when they were working hand and hand with our white brothers to build Minnesota, because yes, the accounts are obscure, but we had a big part of nurturing and building this state of Minnesota, the lack of educated history is to blame for this ignorant notion . I don't know exactly where this treachery started, but I know the blood isn't on our hands in this case of betrayal. Lehmann stated, “They want jobs just like anyone else wants jobs. We need to encourage job growth there. We get them to work, and away from entitlement programs.” Then he speaks of ownership, which my people refuse to take on as an ideal for the simple fact it is a corruption and perversion of my peoples way of life, ownership is an abomination, the journalist wrote on his behalf; "Helping to instill pride and ownership comes with having a job," he said. “The important thing is work with them, understand their needs, but not make any promises that propagate what we stereotypically see as a problem with them — we need to work with them to work out of what we view as being issues there.” The issue is betrayal, you have turned your backs on us and have encouraged my people to take back seat to your ignorant perspective of the Indian and our problems, problems which the white man has instilled into our communities. Most white men have nurtured a systematic racist society here in Northern Minnesota, that is obvious, him defending his corrupted way of life is evident, the article also stated Lehmann said he’d work with the American Indian population to site jobs on the reservation. once again they are attempting to drag us back to our reservation, to confine us and keep us under control, as if our tribal politics are not already corrupted by their racist underhanded involvement, fact remains, those of us "Indian" that are not indoctrinated into these harmful ideologies that prevent most of us from overcoming these injustices of discrimination, are going to unite to unite our community, to renew those old bonds of brotherhood that has been long forgotten, to go back and fix the things we've left behind, to move forward in unity for a better Minnesota.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

better then your average.....

Yeah I'm talking to you with the mask on! I see you trying to blend into the crowd, its simple to be easy going, its difficult to be cunning and stalwart, its beyond the comprehension of those stuck on themselves not to see the whole truth, is that my fault? Maybe, but then again who are you to question who I ain't? Why don't you look down upon yourself once in awhile, are you happy being stupid? or are you stupid being happy? either way y'all still look like assholes, take it or leave, I ain't going to wait around for you jerks to catch up, y'all pussies are scared of the forest anyhow, just play dead then the bears will leave y'all alone, while I stand and deliver, y'all just take in the liver n shutter when y'all speak my name, why? I dunno, maybe y'all know better then to walk out of your house without your galoshes on, because I'll tell y'all one thing, I'm up to my knees with your bullshit, and I'm not scared to get my hands dirty, don't throw shit if you live in a glass house kid. I had it up to here with y'all sissies anyhow, you need to be ye high to ride this ride anyways, I don't do drugs but you obliviously need medication, I'm not going to admire you for your lack of passion for the truth, what you know bout anything you haven't learned on T.V. anyhow, doesn't matter, your still whack, why? because your just a poindexter, there is no real value of any teaching you hold, why? Because y'all haven't the commonsense to apply logic to your silly ass outfit, and your outfit is your soul, you wear that shit like a stupid hat, I'd be scared to if I woke up in a tree, but I'm not the dumb ass that put myself in that position too be ridiculed for the attempted treachery of acting like a monkey ass fool. Don't ch'all know there's guerrillas in these here trees? Y'all okay? Is everybody fine? Well that's fuck'd up, because if your okay with this bullshit, then you ain't paying attention, and if your at peace with being a worthless piece of shit, then deal with it on your own time. I'm not too happy with your lack of anger, why don't you stand up for yourself already? Their throwing rocks at your ass too, who cares if you got baby deer legs, one day you'll be jumping over cars just to eat on some weeds in the ditch, hopefully you won't get stuck in the headlights of some asshole like yourself, yeah, I'm angry, but I ain't no vicious wild animal, quit trying to act like your some kind of cute cuddly rabbit, cuz your not although you got your head in a snare. I'm a mad scientist that harnessed the energy of my anger into a power cell, and I'm selling these anger batteries and the one time low, introductory price of your humility, humility is one of our teachings, it is something I need to validate your proof of enlightenment. If you have indigent dignity not to withstand such a blow to your ego, then take your pompous ass back to the stilt store and get a refund, because your just not skilled enough to talk down on people that see past your childish bullshit.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My war pony named, "Nishkaadizi"

Things are very unseemly when it comes to these politics that start in the senate halls and end in suffrage within the Anishinaabe household, it breeds depression, discontentment, ignorance, yet those Anishinaabe that are lucky enough to rise above these conditions. They become insensitive and lose touch with the reality that afflict our people, I have also been blessed with the opportunity to provide my children with a better life. I have struggled and succeeded to provide them with a chance to save them from this suffrage that happens within our community. I do not tell them that they are better then those of our people that are victim of these conditions of discrimination, I teach them to be thankful for these gifts of opportunity. Not to take anything for granted, for some of those that find themselves living within these conditions, they themselves alone can not rise above these obstacles without the assistance of their fellow Anishinaabe, and that is our responsibility to our people as a tribe. This is the love some of us have forgotten, and I tell them it is their responsibility also to help our people if they are having trouble standing on their own. It is sad and disturbing when we have to protect ourselves from our own peoples ignorance, it is hard to learn to trust the white man when we can not trust ourselves in some cases, but I have, and I learned to be stronger then this ignorance that ravages our community. Yet, I find myself deeply involved within debate and conflict with those of my people that have such strong corruption of this ignorance, it spills over on to my responsibilities, and I let anger cloud my humility, I erupt in anger, and yes I am ashamed of my anger, but isn't it my anger that has pushed me this far, that has helped me survive when things weren't in my favor. In times of desperation I have relied on my anger to help me persevere, and I ask myself, why have I empowered anger to help me sustain my life to this degree? And I reflect on the path that has brought me here, I conjure the spirits of my past to help me understand my own inner conflict, because it pisses me off that my ancestors were killed, lied to, neglected and ignored. It enrages me to see these things continue in front of my eyes today, it becomes maddening to the point of outrage to see my own people doing these things to ourselves, in my past I've acted out in violence, my anger has created a bad reputation for myself, it has brought me into jails and correctional facilities not dealing with my anger in a constructive way. Now I have grown out of these undisciplined behaviors, yet anger is still a strong part of my life, I have utilized it to fuel my passion to help my people, will I ever stop being angry? Anger has been debated and defended throughout history by the most intelligent of men, and here I sit trying to find resolution for my angry ways, why? Because I have let those with heavy opinion of my anger effect my outlook on its presence within my life, I do not pride my anger, but I see the value of it. Their has been equally positive and negative effects throughout history involving anger, anger has provoked change, has created suffrage, people tell me to let go of my anger, and when I do, I find myself lost and distraught. Weakness ensues, manipulation occurs, and that is when the anger reoccurs, why because I have turned my back on my old friend to allow myself to be taken advantage of, maybe someday I will have no use for my anger, some day my people will be free from this suffrage, so until then, I intend to be very angry, because it is not I who needs to heal from this anger, it is our community that must heal from that lack of anger of our conditions. My community needs my anger, their is no logical reason for me to let go of my anger, my parents and grandparents were denied the opportunity to be angry at the conditions that befell them, and look at where that has gotten us, anger comes from displeasure of conditions. From being antagonized by our oppressors, do not confuse my anger for hatred or ignorance, the wrath of my anger has proven to be beneficial to my survivial, my anger has opened my eyes to a lot of manipulation, it has encouraged me to ask questions, and to act upon my convictions, anger has allowed me to love my people, to understand their frustrations, to speak out on their behalf, my enemies have come to fear me for my anger, not of the reaction of violence, but for the truth I speak of out of my anger, when I allow anger to empower me. That is when I accomplish the most for my people, so I ask those of you that discourage my anger, why must you insist their is no use for my anger when it is obvious my anger has produced results when utilized appropriately? Are you scared of my anger? Are you envious of my anger? I ask these questions because those people that tell me. "Curtis, don't be so angry." I have to ask, why? Why do you wish to rob me of my opportunity to vent my anger in a positive way? My anger isn't reckless, not anymore. It is a very enlightened disciplined anger, anger and I are old friends, why have most of you neglected your anger? Why haven't you learned how to master and harness your anger? Why are you scared of your anger? My intentions are to use my anger until it has no purpose, until then, I will encourage all of my people to be angry at these conditions we are subjected to, why? Because we can rise out of this discontentment on the backs of our anger, anger is the name of my war pony, I stole it from the white man to help me defeat the enemies of our people on the battlefield. I will ride into battle on my war pony named 'anger' until my enemies kill us, that is how I wish to die, that is how I wish to be remember, as the angry ojibwe that stood and died for his people because he was angry at what his people allowed to become of his tribe, because they denied themselves their right to be angry at the conditions that victimized our people for too long. To help them realize the importance of our humility, for that humility to allow us to be angry and fight back so that our children will not know of this anger.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I went to this meeting about cultural differences and understandings with my friend Greg a week back, there was all kinds of white people, a few Ojibwe, a few indians that acted like white people, and a white man sat at the head of this meeting. He was a cool white guy, seemed like a fella I could get along with, he started talking about our language, how he witnessed other indians utilizing their language. Saying how we've lost this cultural significance of our tribal identity, then I thought to myself, how come I have to be speaking my language for these people for them to understand I'm Ojibwe? I talk Ojibwe, my children talk Ojibwe, I didn't forget who I am, they forgot who I am. I pray like my ancestors prayed, I laugh Ojibwe, I cry Ojibwe, so I sat here and watched him tell these Indians how they have forgot how to be Ojibwe. I didn't get mad, I just thought it was funny, then this other white man spoke up, telling us he has placed Ojibwe words in 100 businesses in Bemidji, everyone thought he was just the greatest white guy to the indians, while I sat there thinking "wow, theres 100 businesses in this lil' racest city' I wasn't impressed. I'll be impressed when theres is 100 Ojibwe working in 100 businesses in Bemidji, these white people that think their helping us are just playing to their illusions of grandeur, they think their god's gift to the Indians. Like their gonna cure poverty and alcoholism by helping us feel more welcomed to spend our money in these racist businesses that chased their indian patrons off with their racism, the Bemidji economy wouldn't be very much if we indians didn't feel comfortable spending our money here. Our white brothers have once again forgotten how to appreciate his Ojibwe brother, I look around my community here and see entire families that have been reduced to being downtrodden, comfortable and defeated. The white man blames us for our current state as if he hasn't been encouraging this upon us for over a 100 years, arrogance is apparent, white privilege is evident, some of these pompous indians try and own this 'white privilege' as well, its embarrassing and quite disgusting to be truthfully honest. I think these programs are great that are tackling native problems, but I'm not going to waste my time with these people that aren't being realistic about the state of discontentment, they have no real answers for real problems, their just a distraction from getting anything done. Don't get me wrong, their intentions are good, but my attention is needed else where where it's going to make a difference, I have of yet to see any of these white people come out in support of a real Ojibwe leader thats committed to positive change within our community, maybe when I see them supporting us, then I'll support their neat little program.