Saturday, August 28, 2010

John' Custer 'McCarthy

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Get over yourselves

I believe everyone has the right to know how anyone's selfish immature behavior is going to benefit any community that they try to attach themselves or associate themselves with. Selfish qualities do not emanate any basis for anyone to genuinely consider themselves apart of a community. Do to no logical or reasonable fault of my own that I can acutely identify, for I am very critical of myself. I find it rather easy to take accountability for my actions or misconception that might endanger or cloud the clarity of my judgment. Yet I find it rather difficult to trust most people as of lately because of their obnoxious self serving childish behaviors, even for those I have been acquainted to for quite some time. It is even more disappointing when someone that you initially become acquainted with obviously has intentions on nurturing a relationship on the basis of their ability to manipulate ones trust and interests. Most times only to open up opportunities to take advantage of you, to fulfill their self-centered agenda, I know people tend to change as time goes on, but sometimes they are regressive in their manner of change so to allow them to adjust to their selfish tendencies and nature. often when these selfishly immature individuals like to believe their bettering their lives by changing a few negative habits, sometimes their only feeding into their narcissistic nature even further. They give themselves some false sense of importance, letting their arrogant greed run rampant and unchecked as they overindulge in the hospitality and generosity of others. Glutinously gorging themselves on everyone's resources or abilities that are too obtuse, unaware or too intimidated to deter their unsavory mannerism encroaching and deteriorating ones patience, allowing animosities to form. Some people are just sadly struck in a routine or habit of taking everything and everyone for granted, acting as if they are obligated to feel as if the world owes them everything. Even when there is no factual basis to back up these individuals attempt to exploit any matters available to them to their benefit, who also believe they are entitled to have access to whatever they believe they are free to take from others and abuse. As soon as one lets their guard down, some people are under the presumption that is their opportunity to take advantage of not only your compassion but also generosity, they take offense when those they wish to manipulate are keen to their selfish behavior, and they are refused the chance of taking advantage of this person. So they surround themselves with the company of others that share the distaste for this person that is acute to their selfish treachery and corrupted ideals. They act as if it is owed to them that their childish self centered behavior should be ignored and tolerated, but I personally haven't the patience for these cowards, at least not as of lately. So as these unimpressive cowardice individuals bask in the reflective glory of others on hopes of capturing some of that glory for themselves. Here's some advise, don't hold your breath, your over-inflated ego is going to pop one day when you least expect it, and you will plummet rather hard, and I will feel pity for you. I will try and help you get back on your feet, that's the least I could do, because I know how it is to fall hard and I do care for you as well, even if you are too corruptly selfish as of yet to care for me.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

False representation Implemented by threatened racists

As we relentlessly attempt to appeal to our fellow American Indians and whoever else is willing to adhere to the blatant disenfranchisement victimizing our people. The corruption of the political parties misrepresenting and misappropriating our concerns by the abuse of power is also disturbing. These individuals within these parties have divisively implemented opportunists to discredit our attempts to bring forth justice for our people, attempting to make a sham of our struggle. Fortunately I have faith the roots of our unity within our community will not be divided by the treachery of those in power or those they exploit to veil their racist agendas. There is an unfair balance of power amongst the natives and whites; we shouldn’t tolerate any racist remarks or ideals devaluing our work ethics and our workers. Why are we being belittled and undermined for advocating of better living conditions for our people? Our economic plight exposes us and makes us vulnerable to criminal elements; crime can only be reduced by economic/educational opportunities and advancement. To empower programs that effectively train the emasculated masses that are constantly exposed to racism, there is a very unhealthy dangerous atmosphere within this community if you happen to be American Indian. As American Indians, we need to take control of our own economic and political future. We need real leadership from our people, not “token representation” which only opens up doors for justification of stereotypical ignorance that re-enforces systematic institutionalized racism. This isn’t about Nicole Beaulieu or Gregory Paquin, it’s about us having our turn to prosper. Warriors for Justice means pro-justice, pro-Indian, pro-us; it doesn’t mean we’re anti-anything. It is very unacceptable that there isn’t one American Indian sitting in any Legislative seat. If you can inherit wealth and opportunity off the exploitation of stolen lands and resources, or the mistreatment of our people, then you should also inherit the accountability of the injustices we endured and are still enduring to this day. We are not begging for the white man to fix what has been broken and forgotten, we are demanding the opportunity and resources to fix it ourselves, we’re being constantly denied even that. It is very disappointing when those we stand up for refuse to validate our struggle, in the ever so true words of Harriet Tubman, “I freed a thousand slaves, I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dumbing down

What's going on with all these fools exhausting themselves running in place? Can't these people see themselves for the fools they actually are? Or are they just that delusional? Yeah, they might have at one time or another been accused of being a bright individual, but I see a lot of people dimming and burning out as they waste their energy trying to impress others by trying to gain invaluable approval. What good is anyone's approval worth when they ain't as impressive as they'd like to appear to be? Some people don't deserve the respect they try to demand from others, what are they going to do with your brilliance? Plagiarize your ideas? To use you to feel some false sense of worth? I don't have anything to prove to anybody, especially if these pretentious out of touch individuals like to try and look down their noses at anyone. When people do that its pretty obvious they don't deserve the recognition they might have been receiving in order for them to regard themselves as some sort of authority on matters they attempt to obnoxiously pass their judgment upon. If your disappointed or impressed with anything I have to say then that belongs to you. If it gives you insight or motivation or solidarity or if it offends you and threatens your ignorant ideals then deal with that one your own, don't push your opinion of me or others that might appreciate or might not favor what I have to say. You just make yourself look like a asshole then, or maybe by expressing your distaste for me opens the doors for an unhealthy relationship nurtured upon the negativity you might share for me, and that in itself is pretty pathetic in anyone's with a respectable educated or open minded opinion. Also in the same regards its hard to appreciate someones arrogant pretentious perspective of issues they try and act as if they should be revered as some sort of inhumanly intelligent being. When these people share their supposed option, its pretty easy for anyone who has an acute educated insight to get a good idea to where exactly these people are referencing their information, trying to pass if off as their own opinion. Doesn't really matter what your opinion of me is, I'm not really impressed by most of you people anyways, most people I'm inspired by are no longer with us. Those of you that respect me as your equal, I thank you, and appreciate your acknowledgment of my voice, because I speak to find justice for my people. To inspire those I pity, to provoke those contributing to our discontentment, to realize we are not pleased. To help me to understand others that frustrate me so I can help or push them to be the person all of us needs them to be for our community. I would like to shake the hand and find understand with everyone who considers me their foe, I feel compelled to say the things I say because this is how the actions and the lack of enthusiasm of my fellow man make me feel. So I apologize first, and offend second if it is you that is the one I can identify as the culprit of my people's discontentment. If you refuse to take accountability for your treachery, then it is you that takes offense to my retort of your evil corrupt or shiftless lazy ideals threatening very fabric of our humanity. It is you that we can hold accountable for the constant disparities ravaging our households, for re-enforcing the stereotypes condemning our people to justify systematic institutionalized racism, Your insensitive ignorant arrogant selfish deluded pride that prevents you from seeing the harm you have cause amongst your family, amongst our community. I say these things to wake you all up before its too late, before you destroy everything I love, because if I stand by and just watch you keep putting our people at risk, then I'm just as guilty as you if I refuse to find the courage to try and at least stop you. Another thing is people ignorantly assume too much, can't they find the common decency to at least establish a rapport with me, or are they too intimidated that I might scrutinize their obvious ignorance. I'm well aware of most peoples stupidity as it is, what? You can't take a little constructive criticism? Is it going to harm you to hear the truth? Is it going to kill you to take accountability for your obvious corrupted ideals? Or do you understand my frustration with these people we allow to walk all over us and our community, well that's some coward ass b.s. but okay, your comfortable being oppressed, you like to believe you know equality because your fortunate enough to see past oppression most days, and you loose sight of the reality of the living conditions most our people can't get past. So you act as if you have the right to feel better then the oppression keeping your fellow man down, when it comes down to it, there isn't too much separating you from the struggle we endure everyday. Although you choose not to acknowledge it, the struggle is still there, even if you lost interest in the plight of your people to find equality,doesn't mean much to us that see you for the anishinaabe you ain't.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Strike a Nerve

I can't help but to notice by some of the comments I receive that the content of my blog is taken to offense by some. There are some people that more then likely identify with some of the negative aspects of our community that I have pointed out and share my opinion on, some don't appreciate being confronted or challenged of their ignorance or cowardice, These are just my opinions I share on the fact finding I constantly research in hopes to try and find a rapport and civil discourse to help people consider innovated solutions to the constant failure to resolve problems of our shared community. I leave my door open for suggestion, but I slam it shut on ignorant criticism or any thing that lacks courage. We can't afford to be frail or faltering when it comes to such tremendous problems we have stood up to, but people think I'm campaigning for support most times. I'm not, we're not politicians, we're not going to lie to you and tell you what you want to hear if your not willing to consider our conscious plea for all of you to wake up. To take an effective look at not only your faults but the faults of our fellow man, its time to hold each other accountable for the the failures our children are going to be forced to endure. I'm not going to give you any lip service, I don't want any ones support who isn't willing to be realistic about the problems of our community, what good is any ones support who isn't genuinely concerned of the issues we have effectively identified and have the courage to confront? This isn't about the support from the weak and unwilling, from the cowards and the traitors, of the self-centered opportunist and the greedy exploiters of our community. Nor from the racists or the internally oppressed, so if you can identify with any of these offensive words, then I don't believe anyone would benefit from your support at all if very little. At least not in any positive or productive way, you need to go re-evaluate your worth to your community if the things I have said have struck a nerve. I say these things to provoke people to be offended by their obvious shortcomings that we have identified that endanger our communities and our families. We have let these state, local and tribal politicians divide and conquer our communities for too long, so go ahead and hate for what I have the courage to say to those of you that act as if I haven't the ability to effectively identify you for who you actually are and who you are not. I can endure your misplaced hatred, your animosity, your ignorance, you act as if I haven't been all along, so go ahead and live as a coward, raise your children to be cowards and slaves of fear and oppression. I'm not going to sit besides you and advert my attention from the discontent of my fellow man that doesn't have the ability to stand, I'm going to give my children the means to have to chance to stand, I'm going to teach them to stand up for themselves when nobody else will, and if they encourage others to stand along side them and confront tyranny and oppression against them and their fellow man, then that alone will give me the fulfillment of pride I have longed for my entire life, because today its hard to take pride in the condition of my people and our community. I am proud of my ancestors but I can't find enough reason to find pride in who we are today as Anishinaabeg, yeah their are some that can ignore these disparities I speak of by by selfishly concentrating on their overrated meaningless lives, yet one day your all going to have to wake up and realize how you failed your community and family, hopefully that moment won't be the last breaths of your life. Hopefully you can go on in peace knowing you did stand up and do your best to provide your decedents a chance to be who our ancestors once were, we have knowingly chosen to not only dishonor them but our children as well by allowing ourselves to be influence not to care. So I say these things to also provoke you to stand up, because this is what we're suppose to be doing, its time we all stop denying ourselves the opportunity of honoring our ancestors, that is our birthright. So they may rejoice in us once again and allow prosperity to flow back into our hearts, into our families and our communities. My ancestors were warriors, so I'm going to honor them by protecting and fighting anyone foolish enough to try and jeopardize the future of our people by arrogantly standing in the way of the justice I am riding into battle upon. I guess I'll See you all in the battle field, hopefully you'll be standing beside me and not in front of me, because I will not show the enemies of our children any pity nor mercy. And this goes for those of you treacherous cowards pretending to by my ally as well. I'm sick and tired of all these self-centered egotistical traitors of our people taking advantage of the vulnerability of our community by trying to capture glory off our discomfort and disparities. These greedy opportunists like to hold meaningless events to distract our people from ever accomplishing anything constructive, they try to rob us of our energy and meaning by duping us to stand upon their wishy washy self serving agenda. Making a sham of any thing of significant importance to our well being as a Anishinaabeg. I also hope and pray these people are allowed the opportunity to sober up from their self-induced egotistical drunk so they can be of some actual use and value to themselves and our people, or is that too much to ask of these selfish individuals as of now, either way, I'm going to keep coming out swinging until I knock all these selfish arrogant delusional asshole on their asses. Just so you don't get confused, I wrote this when I was thinking of all you bitter fake phonies that waste your time and energy hating on me for what I have to say, I take pleasure in striking a nerve with those of you that deserve to feel offended by what I say. Why don't you focus your criticism and energy on matters that deserves all of our attention, I've exhausted my patience with all of you internally oppressed sit around the fort uncle tomahawk scouts. Real recognize real, so to all you genuine guerrillas out in the struggle everyday who support us, we ain't going to let you down, we're going to keep fighting until they kill us or until our oppressors realize we ain't going to take this shit anymore. All you skeptics can save your breath as well, if we listened to your cowardice rhetoric we'd never get anything accomplished for our people, go reason with our oppressors who have time for your kiss ass bullshit.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Jim Oberstar Puppet show, Starring John Persell, Mary Olson, and the many faces of big business

I take it from whats being said in the media that the democrats of Northern Minnesota are going to be boning up John Persell on issues such as the state deficit to sway voters this upcoming November 2nd General Election. Mary Olson already has a knack for lip service. Its just kind of disappointing when our community can find solace in these individual's incompetence and inept ability to represent all the people of their districts. I'm always hearing of Persell's great accomplishments he provided our community such as in educational needs and natural resources, but from the cancerous power line, to the greedy pipeline, to the mining of the big bog, to the poor water quality of the Leech Lake Reservation, protection of our natural resources should not be accredited to this man. Any respectable environmentalist would be ashamed of this track record if they had to stand upon it, so now that he can't hide the fact he's failing as an environmentalist, hes attempting to distract the public by selling us on the empty promises hes going to save the state by balancing the budget from little ol' racist District 4. Does this man really think all of us are that stupid? Or is it Oberstar we should accredit for these foolish ideas, Mr. Persell is nothing but a puppet to ol' granddaddy Oberstar. Oberstar will exploit anything he can get his greedy old hands on, and turn around and act as if his greedy decision making is beneficial to you. Why should he care? He probably won't survive his next term, he has no interest in investing in the future of Minnesota. Oberstar is a man of a thousand faces, he'll tell you what you want to hear, then he'll turn around and tell the man with the most money the exact opposite, now he's prepping Mr. Persell and Ms. Olson to carry on his greedy campaign of the exploitation of any and everything that the district has to offer in the interests of big business. Do these people realize that us younger people see them selling our futures away right in front of us? All these insensitive out of touch ol' folk exposing us to their greedy agendas don't seem to really care about their grandchildren, sure they can claim they do, but when they go out and vote to put people like this into office. It's pretty obvious where these stubborn old people's interests lay, its incompetence they can hang their hats by. It's incompetence such as that that allows them to bring home the bacon. They might justify their blatant ignorance by saying, well so and so has the common sense and experience to keep things running smoothly, smoothly where though? Into the ground where its going along with them? Every time campaign season comes around these politicians act as if their just taking notice to the social and economic problems that they are directly responsible for neglecting in the first place. They tout around about as if they actually care and are going to solve these problems finally, as if they weren't aware of these issues when they first got elected as puppets. At the state convention I didn't see not a one of these politicians stand up and support Mark Dayton, now that Dayton has defeated these corrupt democratic politicians at their own game, now their starting to get in line to kiss his behind. Yet their are still some questionable democrats that appear as they would benefit more by supporting the republican party by standing firm on their stubborn notions that the good ol' common sense thats been driving Minnesota into the ground is the way to go. In my opinion, we young people should be very disappointed and upset by the shiftless out of touch decision making these old folks are exposing us to. It is us that is going to have to pay for their mistakes and poor decision making in the long run, we can't rely in the incompetence of these greedy old people trying to take all their riches to the grave with them. It's proven that most don't really care for our future, just look at whos in office in most instances, we look to our elders for guidance most times when it comes to things that are of great importance to us, but our elders are becoming more and more useless everyday, because most times they do not share our concerns, and thats sad. It's sad when we can't rely in their supposed wisdom when their too stubborn to adhere to their wisdom and knowledge themselves, a lot of older people pride themselves for being logical, and believe they should be praised for their apparent ability to make logical decisions, but one can justify many evils by ones perspective of logic, these unreasonably stubborn ignorant old fuddy duddies with their out of touch obsolete scared of change ideals should have the common decency to council the young people of what we see as importance to our futures, it is our future that they constantly endanger with their insensitive decision making, instead of prepping us to look at things from their out of touch point of view, they should utilize our optimism to innovate our declining relationships with government, constantly shunning us and ridiculing us that we are too inexperienced to manage important matter of our government is not only discouraging to find civil discourse, but it has created a feeling of animosities between the age groups, we should lower the voting age to 16, or would that be like me suggesting we set age restrictions such as ones that take away a seniors who we deem as 'senile' drivers license so they don't hop in their car and go out and carelessly jeopardize the safety of our communities with their deteriorated ability of judgment and coordination, we could justify a age restriction on voting rights as well by the same argument in some cases, and their are examples fatal decision making by our senior citizens to justify a law put in front of congress such as this, maybe I'm being a bit rash, but I'm sick of sitting by watching these politicians that are experienced in failing us continue to have control of the wheel, running us into the ditch or breaking us down because they don't know how to effectively maintenance our government or getting us lost most times. I'm not suggesting that all senior politicians abandon our government to the next generation, but its pretty obvious there is a dire need for new ideas that some of those that have been in power haven't the ability to conceive, a fresh perspective might just be the answer to a lot of our problems. Vote Nicole Beaulieu, Write-in Warriors for Justice candidate November 2nd, contemporary innovation, not the same old stagnant, corrupt, out of touch jobbery we're tired of.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Obnoxious Narsissism of Pretentious Charlatans and Elitists

I see a lot of Ojibs, self-proclaimed Ojibs, and non-Ojibs selfishly romanticizing our culture into a corny or corrupt insignificance which distracts others from the reality of our problems within our community. They try to transcend the culture of our community by exploiting their knowledge of our culture to serve their own self-centered agenda. I'm not deeming all of these romantic individuals invaluable or corrupt, but when some of them utilize or exploit our culture and teachings to obtain a self centered sense of gratification, it gets rather frustrating trying to educate and raise awareness amongst my people that are mesmerized by these individual's ability to influence and manipulate opinions of what is of actual importance or to what is critical or essential to our well being as a Ojibwe people and our communities. Dealing with the rigors of mainstream society is very difficult and complicated as it is while trying to maintain our identity. Yet I have noticed these individuals manipulating people by abusing their gifts of knowledge of our teachings and culture to sway ideals to carter to their own false sense of worth. These gifts are useless without the respect, honor and wisdom to use them properly. I can't help but to notice some status spiritual advisers taking advantage of vulnerable individuals and their underdeveloped spiritual beliefs or their fledgling relationship with their personal spirituality. I have endured attacks upon my own personal spirituality by some of these charlatans, so I have first hand accounts with my own experience with these misguided people that claim they can guide others. I personally am very offend by these individuals that try to intimidate or manipulate others into believing in their delusions of grander, their narcissism is very obnoxious. People shouldn't be so quick to rely in the supposed 'powers' of others when some are just creating a false bravado in order to take advantage of others vulnerability. I respect others for their ability to adhere to their humility, to those that pity me for being a mere human being, and to those that allow me to pity them as well for the same obvious reasons. Its very offensive when others try to interject their pretentious opinion of ones own personal relationship with their spirituality. Our own personal spirituality belongs to each of us individually, but to those that try to own our teachings and distribute them with discrimination or ignorance amongst our community, those teachings don't belong to you. They belong to all of us willing to utilize them appropriately with the respect they deserve, and for you to abuse them to fulfill your own lack of self esteem or sense of worth, that is very pathetic. If you can not take accountability for your own treachery and selfishness, I have faith you will find enlightenment through tribulation that you have evoked upon yourself by dishonoring our ancestors. But then again, maybe your not corrupt, maybe your just naive. Either way, you got a lot of growing up to do, so don't be trying to offer your assistance when you should be focusing on your own shortcomings preventing you from being the person that you think you are.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Liberating our hearts to honor our minds, together.

Wishy washy Shinobs, being swindled by the same ol' flim flam, pretty pathetic. Some shinobs attention spans somehow doesn't allow them the see past the deceit right in front of their faces, I can't believe some of these people that think that they deserve to lead others when their just getting lead around by the nose themselves, most times by their own greed or selfishness. So they allow themselves to be manipulated and endorse a popular idea that they see others gaining from through self gratification, as if anything they have to say on matters is any idea of their own. Regurgitating and plagiarizing what they can get their smug pretentious hands on to protect their self centered confirmation bias by following the methods of proven practitioners of these ideas they subscribe to, Personally I'm not impressed by these people that don't have the genuine ability or maybe the courage to have an original idea of their own, and neither should anyone else, this is not honorable, this is not leadership. Our ancestors used to think with their hearts, not with their heads, or greed, or selfishness. That is what kept us connected to the sensitivity of our fellow anishinaabeg, listening to our hearts. So we could come together with our fellow anishinaabeg to put our minds together to work to find solutions for our people. Today most of these arrogant masculine emasculated Indians with their white man credentials of indoctrination, go about our communities trying to push their 'educated' options on everyone. Running for office most times, as if their ideas are the only valid ideas that deserve anyone's attention. After a long year of going out to talk with our people campaigning against systematic institutionalized racism, internalized oppression, and those basing their diplomacy from these social down falls victimizing our people, I'd say its about 50% on both sides of our people that disregard essentials to who we were as anishinaabeg, as to those that honor our ancestors on how they conduct themselves. Half are material, half are spiritual, and some are even cunning enough to pretend to be spiritual to obtain material. Wealth to me, is wisdom and knowledge; wisdom to know when I'm right and when I'm wrong, the knowledge to help my people prosper, and survive, to reclaim our dignity, our integrity that we have today for the foremost lost do to the desensitization of mainstream ideals and media. Yes, our ancestors we're punished for what we are, but today some of us still punish ourselves trying to be something we're not. Our ancestors were aggressively progressive, all the while maintaining our identity, but I guess the question we should all be asking ourselves is if we live in an era of determination, or oppression? Because those have both belonged to our people, will you stand by and watch our ways be swept away in the mainstream? Or will you find the courage to go out there and hold on to them with all of your strength? Will you compromise and starve your integrity to almost nothing just to fit into the cage built for our ancestors? Or will you grow big and strong enough to break free from these old rusty obsolete cages? These ways of thinking are outdated my friend, and sometimes we must look back to look forward, but we can not hold on to the things that allowed us to be forced into these cages in the first place.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

C'mon People

Driving around Cass Lake yesterday, I couldn't help but notice all the John Persell and Mary Olson campaign posters in the yards of my fellow Leech Lakers. I couldn't but help to have a feeling of disappointment and disparity for my community. Here we are providing our people with candidates genuinely concerned about our community and our issues, seems these people forgot all about Mary Olson's and Rod Skoe's editorial attacking our treaty rights last may. Persell's track record speaks for itself, from water quality to pipelines, from power lines to the big bog, don't forget racism and unemployment. He genuinely doesn't care for our natural environment we have a spiritual connection to, nor the social problems of our community. What do some of these brainwashed people believe Nicole Beaulieu or Gregory Paquin are going to do to our district if they find the conscious courage to say, "you know what? I'm going to invest in the future of our children." Because that is why we have taken up this struggle, to educate our people and give back hope to those that are without. Any support for these candidates that the DFL provide are just results of John Mcarthy's (the Executive Director of the MN Indian Gaming Association, also campaign manager for Mary Olson & John Persell) ability to manipulate our people's opinion. Mainly through gaming, that is big business, and big business also means poverty wage jobs and unhealthy work environments, which is not a justice met for the American Indian. Nor are the the licenses on our slot machines which allows legalized extortion to impoverish our communities even further. We are still very reliant on the insensitivity of the BIA. Unlike Olson and Persell, Nicole & Greg plan to take the people with them to the Senate Halls. A lot of people can sit there and justify their ignorance in why they choose to support those DFL candidates, and its sad. We intend on holding the corruption and incompetence of our tribal governments accountable for their treacheries, so I understand why they won't support our efforts. We're doing this for the people, to wake them up, to help them take an effective look at our problems so we my effectively find solutions for them. We can't wait another two years, why must we burden our children with our failure to stand up? Time is running out, soon they will be left with the problems we failed to deal with properly. I refuse to endanger the future of my children with constant poor discussion making of my fellow man, We, the Warriors for Justice care for your children as well, we're just trying to help all of see that.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hip Hop in remission

Now, on a less serious note, although I take this issue rather serious, but I'm sorry to inform those that I have caught the attention of those that fancy themselves 'emcees' that I'm positive that nobody really cares. At least anyone with a respectable opinion of art. Yeah, there might be some of you utilizing this art form for the right reasons, but listening to the content of a majority of the so called music being created nowadays, I doubt it, but maybe I'm wrong, maybe your not doing it for the art. Or to express your self through it. Maybe you have no insight of experience or message to share, maybe you just have no direction, and your using hip hop to express that. None the less, the girls got Drake, Eminem has effectively revitalized hip hop on his own, and Lil Wayne is doing a rather excellent job of exploiting hip hop to the fullest, and I feel comfortable having these men maintain its stability, their the only ones effectively breathing life back into the art form and way of life. There is not much left to exploit, the 5,000,000 attempted emcees before you that never went anywhere with themselves more then likely already said what you have to say. I have gotten very intimate with hip hop, hip hop was very nurturing and my only companion at times throughout my life, but pretty much all of these homegrown so-called, "emcees" today I see are on their own unrealistic self-centered egotistical pursuit of obtaining glory through their self-inflicted delusions of grander. Realistically they will never reach the height of Jay-Z, Eminem or Lil Wayne. Probably never to reach the heights of a lot of well respected underground emcees not getting the recognition they deserve as well. Maybe they just suffer from a low self-esteem, either way its pretty embarrassing watching these greedy selfish, untalented people plagiarizing and trying to imitate real artists. Chasing after their delusional, childish, fantasy of exploiting hip hop to fulfill their lack of character. It is these inconsiderate people that I have watched bring hip hop to the brink of extinction by utilizing hip hop to serve as their demented way of expressing not only their lack of talent, skill or actual substance, but they have also successfully exhausted its essence by abusing and exploiting it to gain some false sense of advantage over their fellow man with the same corrupted interests and ideals. It's no longer impressive manipulating ones vocabulary to gain a false sense of status. A lot of these young uneducated men and women over emphasize on their false sense of skill or ability, their real skill lays in their ability to manipulate others with a weak opinion of art by duping their social circle into investing confidence and respect in these routine skills. Rappers are becoming more and more common these days, their lack of talent and respect has also gave way to helping hip hop lose its significance. These pathetic individuals can claim I'm 'hating' a lot of these supposed artist are not even real to themselves let a lone the way of life, what else am I suppose to feel for those perpetrating as frauds to manipulate and corrupt hip hop to serve their own ignorant childish agenda? I love hip hop. Hip hop is some thing I have developed a strong admiration for, for it has very positive benefits if appreciated and respectably maintained to convey a strong message or to entertain solidarity. For me it has spiritual properties where I can conjure a sense of devotion to not only its true essence, but to celebrate the struggles I have endured throughout my life with it's assistance that gave me motivation and drive to obtain my needs to be the man I am today. It's disgusting watching people abuse the gift of hip hop to serve as their poor excuse of claiming their an 'artist.' Its angering watching these fake ass sucker emcees using it to justify their obvious lack of virtue. Its depressing watching these people pursue their greed of making it big through hip hop, hip hop has lost its luster for the most part. Today there's only a handfull of respectable emcees sacrificing themselves for the art, and only half of those emcees are marketable, so now that every word has been flipped, and every punchline has been delivered, what are you expecting to innovate by delivering the same ol rhetoric the dumb ass before you said 3 or 4 years ago. Maybe trying to be a rapper is just a modern day faze all young men go through today, like puberty or masturbating. As well as massaging their under developed genitals in a perverted manner to find satisfaction with this immature deviate behavior that most men go through. They massage their under developed perverted ego as well through hip hop, I used to fancy myself a emcee, but that is before these assholes got a hold of it and almost raped it to death with their under developed egos. Making a sham of what I love, sometimes I hold personal vigils to honor the strength and prosperity hip hop has seen me through, sometimes I reminisce on the meaning hip hop once held for me before it was desecrated. I find comfort in believing that if hip hop died tomorrow from the cancer these sucker emcees ravage its essence with, that it would live on in my memory. I'm not saying these things to create resentfulness, or to discourage anyone genuinely expressing themselves. I just don't like witnessing disrespectful individuals taking advantage of my loved ones. I'm pretty sure your favorite rapper wouldn't appreciate your ineffective abuse of the craft to boast your lack of respect for their gift as well, because hip hop is a gift if received properly.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cofrontational Savage

Sometimes we must give into conflict, from conflict many things arise. Challenging your fellow man to adhere to their actual worth is a very honorable thing to do. To find the courage to withstand their ignorance and lack of virtue can help these individuals grow from their shortcomings that might be preventing them from being a productive or effective member of society let alone an appreciated acquaintance or friend. If we continue to be passive as these people abuse our compassion and intuitiveness, allowing them to undermine us and take us for granted we allow animosities and resentfulness to formulate. Then we become responsible for nurturing a corrupt, unhealthy relationship based on these downfalls we knowingly set ourselves up for, and if they can not appreciate those of us with the courage in confronting them for their flaw of character. Then that is when you must leave them to their own responsibility to find enlightenment on their own accord. This deference allows them to feel more responsibility to take the initiative in utilizing their opportunity to change, if you force change upon a person, they feel violated, and regress even further into their lack of virtue. Conveying solidarity for this person and their inner turmoil by granting them your respects in venturing on without your assistance is sometimes the only choice we might have the option of exercising. Yet we must be very cautionary if this individual expresses intention in resolving the matters that might have caused the both of you to part ways in the first place, if this person has failed to make progress with their inner turmoil. Then we mustn't allow or condone any behavior or actions persisting from the past conflict that was responsible for allowing you two to agree on parting ways. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to find the courage to take accountability for ones irresponsible unsavory behavior of attitude or lack or maturity and virtue towards their failure of becoming a better person, they must find the courage to set themselves apart from those that encourage and influence their flaw of character as well. We mustn't take company with those we effectively identify as individuals that nurture negative perspectives or ideals that threaten or conscious insight on matters we concern ourselves with as being important to not only us, but also the people and issues we care for. We must let go of selfishness and embrace selflessness, if we only cater to our own agenda, then that will only result in the misery of loneliness. One can justify their anti-social behaviors by self diagnosing themselves to identify with a mental disorder to justify their lack of courage in confronting their shortcoming efficiently, but then that alone allows them to ignore their opportunity to find resolve with this inner turmoil. I speak of this matter because a majority of my community and my people tend to self medicate and selfishly pursue status or recognition for accomplishments they do not genuinely deserve, because they have sacrifices nothing, they have given nothing back, they do not endure conflict, they run from it, and yes, I am a very confrontational person, because sometimes these fake people need to hear this, they take kindness for weakness, so then that is when I have to get argumentative with these people that continually disappoint not only me, but the welfare of our community as well, and we must take the time out of our lives to disagree with these people taking us for granted, not because we hate them or dislike them. Its because we care for them, and we want to see them rise from the obstacles allowing them to find comfort in the pile of bullshit they hide in.